I Hate Kidney Stones

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Dang Clematis that sucks. If it doesn't pass tonight I would tell them to admit you to control your pain until they can get a urologist to come in to get that bastard out.

They went in to get mine out and the urologist didn't say anything about scar tissue being a future problem..he just told my I havery an almost 45 degree angle between kidney and bladder.
I too am up peeing a couple times again so maybe that is why I haven't has another one since the one 3 weeks after my ds.

Best wishes for quick passage, like in the next ten minutes
Stone still with me. I have hours long blocks where it doesn't hurt and have adapted the adage told to new mothers of "sleep when the baby sleeps" to "sleep when the stone sleeps" or I'd have no sleep at all.

And now it's the weekend. My urologist friend said no Cleveland Clinic urologist would come in at night or on the weekend to deal with a 3mm stone without evidence of infection or 10 days to 2 weeks of no progression. Again, their data shows 99% of people can pass a 3mm stone. My husband leaves tomorrow for a weeklong business trip and all my friends are out of town, too, so I'm on my own to deal with this.

Then there's the poop problem. As in: I haven't had one. I had a small poop Tuesday morning, then the kidney pain started and I was given morphine. Since then it's been percocet (not round the clock -- only 3 pills a day as I am trying to ration them and to reduce constipation.) I've been taking 3 Colace a day. My abdomen is distended and there is a hard ridge across it in the general area of the transverse colon. (I can;t say I'm uncomfortable from this, though, as kidney stone pain supersedes any other pain.) On Thursday morning I used a Dulcolax suppository with bisocodyl. Fifteen minutes later I thought it was working but the only thing that came out was the melted suppository. Friday morning I used a Fleet saline enema. Again, five minutes later I thought it was working but the only thing that came out was the solution itself, essentially clean. It continued to exit for the next hour or so but no poop came with it. This morning I took 3T of Milk of Magnesia but three hours later, nada. Three different laxatives and none successful is not good. I have eaten hardly anything this week -- the first two days all I had was one Premier Protein drink, the last two days I have had the PP in the morning and the broth from ramen noodles in the afternoon. I have choked down a spoonful or two of peanut butter for the fat thinking that might help - no. Without any bowel movement, I do not feel safe eating and further blocking up the works. Gas is passing so there is some open channel but I fear the rest is dried out and impacted. I really don't know what to do and I'm starting to get concerned.

I haven't taken my vitamins all week for fear they would be further constipating. My window of opportunity for taking them is narrow anyway as I can;t swallow them when I am in pain and nauseous.

Meanwhile as soon as the pain fires up I walk endless laps around the family room for hours and hours. My dogs are baffled by this and tried to follow me until they decided this was nuts and instead just sit and watch me. My legs and hips ache from that despite the fact that I usually do an hour long aerobics class 5x a week and do a 4 miles power walk 4x a week. (Guess I'm using different muscles.)

I've tried a heating pad. It may help a little bit. The nerves in my skin around the kidney are hypersensitive now -- even the water from the shower hurt. I tried draping myself over my big exercise ball. This too helped a little bit as I could rock back and forth on it without pressure on my kidney area. I was so exhausted on Thursday after no sleep the prior night that I was dozing off on it for 20 minutes despite the pain. Amazed that I didn't roll off.

I'm rambling. But maybe something here might help someone else. (And maybe someone has advice for the poop problem.)
I know it isn't always easy to drink but have you tried mag citrate to "penetrate and bust up the poop" (that is how I envision it working) as well stimulating the colon? That and hydration are the only suggestions I have for that issue.

If you are worried about impaction along with the stone issue, with nobody at home you might want to think about getting admitted so you can get fluids, pain meds, and maybe some help on the constipation side of things as well.

Sorry that you are still fighting this stone and hopefully it will pass soon. Watch for severe gut pain and other signs of blockage. Sending positive thoughts your way that soon you pass both of these things.
I am so sorry that you are still having such a tough time. I take 6 stool softeners a day, every day. I wouldn't worry about raising that if necessary for a few days.
Good lord, this is insane. I don't know how you feel about mixing alcohol with pain meds, but I'd be drinking beer (even though I hate the stuff).
Thanks @Razbry

Cleveland Clinic weekend scheduler put me on "alert" for all urology offices for when they opened this morning. Someone called me from closest office to say everyone there is booked for weeks. The best they could do was tomorrow afternoon at someone an hour away on the other side of town. (If the stone is acting up then, I will have to make this drive screaming or on percocet.) And this guy won't schedule a CT or renew meds without seeing me first. I may call my PCP and see if she will order it so the urologist can compare it to the one taken last Tuesday but I'm near hysterical with a major family crisis. (It's always something. I'm at wit's end.)

At this moment, I have no pain. But that can turn on a dime as anyone who has had an intractable kidney stone knows. (I'm peeing through a sieve so I know the stone hasn't passed.) Although IF they work they only take the edge off the pain, I have 5 percocet to last me until I see the urologist tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed.
I admire your fortitude, but still suggest that if the pain kicks up again before that appointment you take yourself and the stone to the ER and make such a huge production in the waiting room that that get you to the back quickly. If that means lying on the floor writhing in pain, so be it. Loud moaning and cursing if necessary. Whatever works.


Felt a lot larger than the 3mm stone I see in the sieve -- looks like a piece of Grape Nut cereal.

I feel SO relived.

(I'm going to cancel the Timbuktu urologist and make an appointment for one closer to home in a few weeks.)


Felt a lot larger than the 3mm stone I see in the sieve -- looks like a piece of Grape Nut cereal.

I feel SO relived.

(I'm going to cancel the Timbuktu urologist and make an appointment for one closer to home in a few weeks.)



Felt a lot larger than the 3mm stone I see in the sieve -- looks like a piece of Grape Nut cereal.

I feel SO relived.

(I'm going to cancel the Timbuktu urologist and make an appointment for one closer to home in a few weeks.)
Yay! You must feel so much better! Let's hope this is the last one. Enjoy a good night's sleep!

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