So my original surgeon is requiring I do another psych. eval. before they will finalize my referral. In doing so I also had to have a chat with the nurse practitioner who I've been having monthly phone meetings with. It was a rather comical conversation as I'm now beginning to see how they are a little upset that I have opted not to have the VSG but go outside of hospital (Kaiser). So, I was expecting that we would have a nice informative conversation about the pros and cons of the DS, which I've already been researching. Nope. Basically, it was a conversation trying to convince me that VSG is the way to go, not with any facts mind you, but with fodder which included people that have DS walk around smelling like poo and rarely ever have a girlfriend or boyfriend after having surgery. Not hey, there's a vitamin deficiency risk, or hey there's risk of malnutrition, or hey ANYTHING medically unappealing but just that...and that is almost verbatim. I had to hold back laughter and advised I didn't think that would be a problem, and moved on to why I felt it was still better for me. He also told me that there is no way to reverse the switch portion and maybe I should go with RNY, to which I stated I've read otherwise. He at that point went to his computer and searched for it, and then must have found something that agreed with what I stated. He then said, Oh, well you can't trust the internet.

<--- My face....he then scheduled my psych eval. lol. I already have done the psych eval. mind you and it was fine, but because it's been over a year, they claim they need another one. It's scheduled for this Friday, so hopefully there will be no funny business.
I figured I'd pose the question here. Any truth to his statements? I know of the gas etc. and when eating the wrong foods the potential diarrhea, but aside from that, is there a constant "poo" (his term, mine is generally more colorful) smell that ligers and follows? Are you all single and miserable? *rolls eyes*