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Scott, I understand your concern about the military...but one thing I did learn was that even trained and assigned to a Signal Corp (my primary MOS was Signal officer 25A), everyone's MOS was also 11B (combat foot soldier). They don't actually put the 11B on everyone but when things go squirrley, we all become 11B. I suspect the Navy and Air Force has the same deal...

I will say the Air Force had the best cooks...We were a joint command that included air force over in Europe and the locations that were run by the Air Force had excellent food.

As far as teenagers...IF you survive the about 11 to 23/24 age range, coming out the other end is so worth it. Ours are now 32 and 30, and a joy to be around. (Can't say the same for the husband of the youngest but we don't have to live with him).
@CaraOC you might want to start a new thread about teens and mental health. I'm sure there are other people in the groups besides me, dsriggs, southernlady, and Spiky Bugger who experienced this or knew people who experienced it.

@DSRIGGS I was on Nuycenta and once it got in my system it worked great for my fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease. I was taken off all narcotics. I was on both extended release and fast acting.

@DSRIGGS I know many people who got the stimulator and SWEAR BY IT. I was supposed to get it but chickened out. Because a couple of years ago i would have been the 1st person i knew. I said let others be the Guinea pig then i may get it.. lol To me it seems the same as a Tenz unit but on the inside.
I know many people who got the stimulator and SWEAR BY IT. I was supposed to get it but chickened out. Because a couple of years ago i would have been the 1st person i knew. I said let others be the Guinea pig then i may get it.. lol To me it seems the same as a Tenz unit but on the inside.
A friend of mine just (this last year) had a stimular implanted and she is very disappointed with the results.
Just a little comment on the generics issue - many, many years ago, I took a multivit from a local drug store (no idea which) and would get to work and throw up every morning. No, it wasn't morning sickness, it was, according to the pharmacist, the coating on the multivit. I switched to a different brand of multivit and the problem immediately resolved. So with your generics, for most people they will be just fine, but some individuals will react badly to the coating, the inactive ingredients, the dye used to color the pills, whatever, even though the active component of the medication is exactly the same as with the original formulation.
@CaraOC you might want to start a new thread about teens and mental health. I'm sure there are other people in the groups besides me, dsriggs, southernlady, and Spiky Bugger who experienced this or knew people who experienced it.

@DSRIGGS I was on Nuycenta and once it got in my system it worked great for my fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease. I was taken off all narcotics. I was on both extended release and fast acting.

@DSRIGGS I know many people who got the stimulator and SWEAR BY IT. I was supposed to get it but chickened out. Because a couple of years ago i would have been the 1st person i knew. I said let others be the Guinea pig then i may get it.. lol To me it seems the same as a Tenz unit but on the inside.
@Charris The Nuycenta was working well for Cameron when he first started for a month, then the freaking insurance company stopped paying and wanted $750 for a script. He had to go on methadone and fail it, then they approved the Nuycenta. Now it isn't doing anything.

He did the spinal cord stimulator trial 3 weeks ago and it did a great job for the pain when it stayed in place, but because it was just loose wires it moved around a lot especially when he changed positions. He wants the "permanent" stimulator and will be referred to a neurosurgeon who will put in leads with paddles that will be anchored in place to prevent movement. The rep said that there is a lot of tweaking to get setting right in the first month or two (they can turn spots on and off and adjust wave and intensity). He said that with the trial when the leads were in the right position so it aligned with the proper level of the spine, all his back pain and abdominal pain went away (his Doc had told him it less than 50/50 shot it would help his abdominal pain but it did).
Thanks Scott, it may seem like a rant to you but what you said I needed to hear!! I have one child, a daughter who will be 17 next month. She was a very early talker, an active happy bubbly child. When she started in the school system there was no end to the calls I would get asking me to come infor little chats. Back in the kindergarten days it started when they told me she wasn't "getting" it and needed special Ed. I was flabbergasted. Thought they were nuts. She was referred to extensive testing with psychology. They concluded she was not "backwards" and in need of special Ed, but actually tested gifted, but learning disabled. WTF? I spent a damn fortune after that having independent testing and services which came to the same conclusions. ADHD (inattentive not hyper), had anxiety and has suffered OCD. For years she has had an IEP, has taken medications and with special considerations was "keeping up" and seemed happy. Fast forward Junior year. She is apathetic swinging to hostile. Is mostly withdrawn and looks at me often like she wishes I was dead. To my knowledge she has no social interaction with her peer group. We live in southern Cali and I often think they are a special breed of teens here. I doubt I would have interacted much with them either. Very superficial and aesthetically oriented. Also she came out to me as gay a few years back. I really don't have an issue with this but think this is an added stressor to her social interactions. So now what do I do???? I have arranged a school multidisciplinary meeting and for her to speak to our amazingly awesome family practitioner privately. I need to find good counseling for her pronto. Teen depression is not to be ****** with. I have known of many and personally have had three friends who's teens have committed suicide. One hung himself for his mom to discover, one shot herself while alone in her room and the third shot himself in front of his mother. Devastating for families. I want adequate and successful intervention so she by way of medication and therapy can navigate these rough and hormone fueled years. I don't want to fail her when she needs strongest advocacy. I just wish I knew how best to accomplish this and not make **** worse!!!

Saw this and thought of you...
He did the spinal cord stimulator trial 3 weeks ago and it did a great job for the pain when it stayed in place, but because it was just loose wires it moved around a lot especially when he changed positions. He wants the "permanent" stimulator and will be referred to a neurosurgeon who will put in leads with paddles that will be anchored in place to prevent movement. The rep said that there is a lot of tweaking to get setting right in the first month or two (they can turn spots on and off and adjust wave and intensity). He said that with the trial when the leads were in the right position so it aligned with the proper level of the spine, all his back pain and abdominal pain went away (his Doc had told him it less than 50/50 shot it would help his abdominal pain but it did).
My friend did the trial and loved it...but somehow between the trial and her surgery, the implanted device didn't so well. She's had it for about a year.

I hope he does well.
My friend did the trial and loved it...but somehow between the trial and her surgery, the implanted device didn't so well. She's had it for about a year.

I hope he does well.
Thanks. We shall see . Did she have it removed or is it still in?
Thanks. We shall see . Did she have it removed or is it still in?
I honestly don't know. It's been awhile since she mentioned it. And I don't dare ask as I would get an epistle explaining everything that has happened in the last 5 years. She is a member of a very small yahoo group and altho I've known her for over 15 years, I tend to skim her emails.

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