
Hi and welcome! Glad you made it over here. You will find lots of other people wanting or having had revisions. What type of revision are you looking to have, and do you have a surgeon?
Hi, @tabby1121, welcome! I am having a revision from RNY to DS on July 13th. What type of revision are you having? Read a lot and listen carefully to the advice you get here. The vets are super helpful and very generous with information and advise.
Hi and welcome! Glad you made it over here. You will find lots of other people wanting or having had revisions. What type of revision are you looking to have, and do you have a surgeon?
From sleeve to DS/ Dr Sharp
@tabby1121 I have been in the DS community for about 10 years and have helped many people with insurance issues, so I (and @DianaCox and other people here) know who all the players in the DS community are, but I don't recall a Dr. Sharp. Do you have any information about him, such as location, experience with the DS (if any) etc?
Most bariatric surgeons don't do the DS, so if this is someone who doesn't, don't waste your time with him.
Also, it's VSG, not VGS, and VSG is another name for the sleeve, which I believe is what you already have. So I think you are hoping to revise from sleeve to DS, right? Bottom line, you need a surgeon who actually does the DS.

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