Happy Thanksgiving 2018

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We’ll try again another time Sue. I hope your nephew is doing better.

We had a fabulous feast and family gathering. No progress in luring any of the kids to move to the Phoenix area yet.
For breakfast, I just ate a subset of Thanksgiving dinner for the fifth meal in a row. And I’m still not sick of it.

Ham, stuffing and half a yam. Breakfast of Champions.
We had ham and cheese quiche, bacon, biscuits and gravy (made dh share my biscuit cause I’m not a fan of chemical warfare and he can do one or the other no problem but both is deadly), fresh fruit, and muffin. And yes I had one. Then ate nothing but protein for lunch to make up for it.
I just, today--Saturday--bought 23.49# turkey. Why? Because it was $11.51 and I'm cheap.

We didn't "DO" Thanksgiving this year, except that MiniSue (alone because her guy and his daughter went out of town) came over after work and we ate tri-tip. (It was cheap, too...$2.77# untrimmed.) But earlier, I had a small turkey...<$5 at $0.38#...and I made hot turkey sandwiches and a turkey pot pie and sliced turkey to act as cold cuts.

Now I can't tell if this GIANT bird is fresh or frozen. It SAYS fresh. It SAYS to use or freeze by 11/27. But the bottom feels very solid. And flat. It's a Jennie-O. Do they put a piece of plastic on the bottom of their packaged fresh turkeys?

I hate holidays.

But I love cheap protein.
I bought a Jennie-O fresh turkey (19.3 lb) and no, there was no plastic inside. Just the thingie that holds the legs together. Probably got a little frozen. It was pretty good. Still helping the kids eat it.
I bought a Jennie-O fresh turkey (19.3 lb) and no, there was no plastic inside. Just the thingie that holds the legs together. Probably got a little frozen. It was pretty good. Still helping the kids eat it.

Thank you. I guess I'd better cook it asap.

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