Feeling out of control

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Yankee gone south
Jan 3, 2014
South Carolina
Sooo, I'm having one of those days where my head feels like a pre op. I want to eat everything in the house, mainly the carbs. There are 2 donuts from the other night, in the kitchen, taunting me right now. I haven't felt this feeling of wanting so badly to say "**** it" and shove them both in my face since before surgery. I feel like an addict reaching out to her sponsor! :hide:
I usually give in to the urge and then probably would be satisfied with an half donut but beware the gas and bloat if you're a new post-op
Sooo, I'm having one of those days where my head feels like a pre op. I want to eat everything in the house, mainly the carbs. There are 2 donuts from the other night, in the kitchen, taunting me right now. I haven't felt this feeling of wanting so badly to say "**** it" and shove them both in my face since before surgery. I feel like an addict reaching out to her sponsor! :hide:
Okay, you have 3 options...throw them away, throw them in the freezer, or eat them.

IF you chose to eat one...eat just a couple of bites and then stop for awhile. It may ease the craving.
It's not the eating of the donuts that's bothering me, per se. It's that I'm petrified of these feelings becoming the norm again. If it happens once in a blue, whatever, I'm human, but this is what I felt like almost everyday before and it makes me nervous to not feel like I have control again.
Well, if you want a great case of the farts, have some donut. Or throw them out. Or go do something else. Or eat them all and to hell with the consequences. Sitting here obsessing isn't going to help much, y'know?
I used to feel that way about food - it's such a mind game! You know you shouldn't and you obsessively think about it and try to rationalize all the reasons you could eat it. Something clicked with me about a year ago that I was wrapped up in guilt and shame for being heavy, feeling resentful that I was ALWAYS dieting, I'd just have this one -(fill in evil sugary carb of choice)- and then I would be a "good girl" for the rest of the day, week, year, life.

It was always The. Last. One.

Then I realized THAT was my problem! This isn't the last donut, the last dish of ice cream, the last Oreo, the last bag of Fritos. I could have them ANY TIME I WANT...I am choosing not to derail myself, choosing not to feel like crap, choosing to leave those suckers over there on the counter because really I just want something sweet - so I can get that from this Quest protein bar, or a couple butter mints (butter, peppermint extract, raw honey - will post recipe in the forum next). If it's more a fluffy bread deal - buy yourself a little container of those frozen cream puffs/mini eclairs -- higher fat, smaller size, similar texture. Limit yourself to just one. Sometimes it's a sweet craving - sometimes a texture thing. Now after I've absolved myself from the obsessive guilt and I still want that after trying something better for me - the donut gets quartered and I savor a quarter.

We always want what we can't have...so stop telling yourself you can't. You can! But talk yourself into choosing not to, and if you really do want it, have it, but on your terms when you are in control and can stop yourself when you've had just enough. Good luck to you! :Rant-Off:
Thanks for the words of wisdom and the talk down from the ledge ;)
The calendar is telling me that this is probably PMS, and since I have a NASTY headache and feeling very anxious/moody is kinda confirming that in my head. Anyway, I had 3 bites and threw the rest in the trash. Hubby can decide if the other will go in the trash or the freezer. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day (or I'm giving Liz permission to slap me :Coopwink: )
For me, this is something that passed. If I crave something, I just have some. My sleeved stomach has certainly stretched over the 6 years, but cravings are still sated easily for me. Usually, a few bites of the forbidden food, and I'm happy. Telling myself I CAN''T have it, will make me mental. It actually took several years for my thinking and stresses about food to change. Now, I think I'm pretty much like a regular non-op person who never had food issues.
sometimes I can achieve what Bearmom and Taterweight have described so well, and sometimes I can't. but knowing it's possible helps.

I can have the donut but I usually choose not to. and it certainly IS possible to have one or two bites and throw the rest away.