Changes to medical insurance

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
It was just announced that health insurance will be sold across state lines. Here's how it could impact you:

If you live in state that requires insurers to cover certain problems, then everone chips in a little, and if for example, you live in CA and give birth to a child who hears just fine but is missing external ears, or if you or your daughter have ONE breast that develops but the other never "matures," you can relax because EVERY insurance policy in the state requires that "fixing" these things is covered.

Not all states cover those things.

So when all the "geniuses" in CA who decide they will never need that service...or any other state-mandated coverage...opt for out-of-state insurance, what happens is that:
-not enough people in CA are chipping in a little;
-insurance prices in CA go way up;
-the "geniuses" end up with something they "never thought would happen to me" and no coverage.
-end result is more expensive insurance and more people who don't have what they need.

I've got no dog in this fight. We (both, starting 11/1) have Medicare because we're old, we have an employer-provided policy that is secondary to the Medicare (not a supplement...better than that), and we are both veterans, so we have the VA. And because Mr Sue has a hella union, they cover all our costs for tbe secondary insurance, pay his Medicare premiums and reimburse me for MY Medicare we (finally) have almost free medical.

Most of my prescriptions cost either five or ten bucks. Even Mr Sue's thousand-plus-per-month biologics cost us $10. My +/-$800 SIBO drugs cost me $90. That's as big as it's gotten so far. We get occasional, random bills for very small amounts for things not my Vitamin A and D injections. Or at the beginning of tbe year, when Medicare is paying their 80% and I still need to meet my deductible.

Now...we realize that the rest of y'all are paying for this...but we also pay taxes. And we don't mind paying more so that nobody has to (like Mr Sue did decades ago) forgo getting stiches for an injury because we couldn't afford the deductible/co-pay.

Anyway, if you are in a CA...that covers reconstructive plastic surgery, and you are going to need post-massive-weight-loss plastics, start looking into it now...while it still exists.
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I guess you are talking about the executive order he signed today? Sigh. It's a pretty good assumption on my part to say it wasn't anything good. I have to go read it so I know what it's all about.
I guess you are talking about the executive order he signed today? Sigh. It's a pretty good assumption on my part to say it wasn't anything good. I have to go read it so I know what it's all about.
It is slowly unraveling the ACA, via executive order since congress didn't pass anything.
I guess you are talking about the executive order he signed today? Sigh. It's a pretty good assumption on my part to say it wasn't anything good. I have to go read it so I know what it's all about.

And another announcement was just made...that it would be "illegal" to pay tbe subsidies tbe federal govt has been paying. I wonder how many people THAT will kill.
Sabotage by executive order (from Adam Schiff)

"This morning, President Trump made yet another move to sabotage the Affordable Care Act: he signed an executive order rolling back healthcare regulations and consumer protections. They claim they want to increase competition, but really it’s an effort to turn back the clock to before the ACA when plans could deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and impose annual limits on what they will cover.

He wants the American people to think this is a step towards more affordable healthcare: it’s not. The net result of these moves will be to increase costs, particularly for those who are sick. It would allow insurance companies to get away with offering plans that fail to cover now-standard benefits (like prescription drugs or even hospital stays). Experts are saying it could destabilize the insurance marketplace and send it into chaos, and unfortunately, that’s exactly their intent.

The President of the United States is so determined to see the Affordable Care Act fail, he’s using the power of the pen to deliberately undermine healthcare for millions of Americans."
I read today the budget passed. Is this the same budget with all the medicare cuts and changing it to a voucher system?

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