Can we talk $#!+ some more?

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Newbies...this may clear up rumors...or it may confirm them. Let's see how people answer.

I went to a new gastroenterologist. Short version...this one is a half hour closer to home, I fear my current one will retire, current one didn't do any testing post-transplant, so he doesn't KNOW if he killed all the C Diff (maybe it doesn't matter...maybe symptoms are the most important...I dunno.) Other reasons, but they probably don't matter.

Here's what matters to me at the moment. New doctor seems to believe I have diarrhea and he seems inclined to try to treat and cure it. I think I just have DSer poop. I'd like to compare with y'all, and in the process, we can inform pre-ops.

First...What is diarrhea? It can be defined by counting bowel movements. But, imho, if you do that with a DSer, you're going to be calling a lot of healthy people sick. See?

My new GI is apparently a Turd Counter. I tend toward the other way of diagnosing, by evaluating the consistency of the stool. So here is too much information:

I get up in the morning and fairly soon, I have a BM. A solid, formed poop. What is NOT "normal" is that it is lighter in color than pre-DS, it floats (because of the malabsorbed fat), it is not the curved shape Dr. Oz told everyone we should have (because my colon is no longer shaped there are relatively straight turds.). I am not a good judge of odor because I have no sense of small. (Look up anosmia.) Generally, if it irritates or kind of burns on the way out, I have to assume it stinks to high heaven and is evidence of a carb overdose the previous day.

Anyway, then I will have another BM...and maybe even a third one depending on previous day's food consumption. (And I may not even get out of the bathroom between BMs. I sometimes have time to wash my hands, reach for the door and realize I could do that all over again.). And so any BM after that third one equals diarrhea, if your doctor is a, you know, Turd Counter.

Anymore, I usually go all day without needing a bathroom. But come evening, there may be another two or three BMs as described above.

Do I EVEN WANT my doctors to "cure" my "diarrhea?" I don't think so! Because I think it's normal, healthy DS poop.

So, other DS vets...what do you think? Are you Turd Counters? Or Consistency Evaluators? Do YOU feel that anything over three BMs per day constitutes diarrhea? And, if not, how do you convince your doctor that you are just fine?
I am a consistency evaluator although if I had multiple loose stools through the day I may say I have diarrhea. I am lucky to go once in the morning unless I have a stomach bug or have eaten something "bad". I also count urgency and any pain in my gut. I have read many DSers saying they have 5-6 bms a day. I think I could live with that. If I go 2 days (and I have, on purpose) without calcium, I usually have 3-4 bms in the am and 1 at night. I feel pretty 'normal' about that amount, taking the surgery and the amount of fat I eat into consideration. These are just my opinions. I have never been to the Doc for anything related to poop. So I guess the short answer would be that, no, I don't consider anything over 3 bms as diarrhea.
I just recently had surgery I consider it diarrhea when its like 5 or more but they have to be water very loose stools. I also have to have stomach pains and a real urgency. It has to be like I cant hold it or I will go on myself. Usually it has to meet all the above criteria before I consider it as diarrhea. If my back end hurts and burns like someone took a blow torch to it because of the amount of times then for sure it is diarrhea in my mind.
Diarrhea is 8-10 WATERY stools/day. Where you are losing fluids. 3-6 soft stools/day is normal for us. I look at it as lots of poop, delivered consecutively. Also, I can't sit on the toilet long enough to finish, or my leg goes to sleep. :)
Sounds perfectly normal to me. I have been experiencing diarrhea for the past 5 days because I've been on antibiotics for an ear infection. Diarrhea is completely watered down and nothing like a normal 'DS' movement (at least for me). When I read the antibiotics' side effects and saw that one was diarrhea I wondered if I'd know the different. Totally different than normal 'DS' bowel movement (at least for me).
I only go once a day, but the consistency is basically a bit more formed than diarrhea (why is that word so darn hard to spell?) but not much more. I don't think it becomes diarrhea until I have stomach pains and major urgency and very watery stool.
I don't consider mine diarrhea unless I am shooting water out that end. Mine HAS definitely changed and thanks to loads of fat, I am avoiding brick butt.
I'm in the "watery plus often" camp, too. I suspect, as well, that the DS gets a bad rap due to counting times pooped per day. There are plenty of normal people on the planet who poop more than once a day fergawdsake. Higher volume and floaty poop does not equal runs, either.
Newbies...this may clear up rumors...or it may confirm them. Let's see how people answer.

I went to a new gastroenterologist. Short version...this one is a half hour closer to home, I fear my current one will retire, current one didn't do any testing post-transplant, so he doesn't KNOW if he killed all the C Diff (maybe it doesn't matter...maybe symptoms are the most important...I dunno.) Other reasons, but they probably don't matter.

Here's what matters to me at the moment. New doctor seems to believe I have diarrhea and he seems inclined to try to treat and cure it. I think I just have DSer poop. I'd like to compare with y'all, and in the process, we can inform pre-ops.

First...What is diarrhea? It can be defined by counting bowel movements. But, imho, if you do that with a DSer, you're going to be calling a lot of healthy people sick. See?

My new GI is apparently a Turd Counter. I tend toward the other way of diagnosing, by evaluating the consistency of the stool. So here is too much information:

I get up in the morning and fairly soon, I have a BM. A solid, formed poop. What is NOT "normal" is that it is lighter in color than pre-DS, it floats (because of the malabsorbed fat), it is not the curved shape Dr. Oz told everyone we should have (because my colon is no longer shaped there are relatively straight turds.). I am not a good judge of odor because I have no sense of small. (Look up anosmia.) Generally, if it irritates or kind of burns on the way out, I have to assume it stinks to high heaven and is evidence of a carb overdose the previous day.

Anyway, then I will have another BM...and maybe even a third one depending on previous day's food consumption. (And I may not even get out of the bathroom between BMs. I sometimes have time to wash my hands, reach for the door and realize I could do that all over again.). And so any BM after that third one equals diarrhea, if your doctor is a, you know, Turd Counter.

Anymore, I usually go all day without needing a bathroom. But come evening, there may be another two or three BMs as described above.

Do I EVEN WANT my doctors to "cure" my "diarrhea?" I don't think so! Because I think it's normal, healthy DS poop.

So, other DS vets...what do you think? Are you Turd Counters? Or Consistency Evaluators? Do YOU feel that anything over three BMs per day constitutes diarrhea? And, if not, how do you convince your doctor that you are just fine?

Watery bowels that make you run to make it in time and is usually accompanied with stomach cramps. As long as there is no urgency and it is a pudding consistency I wouldn't care how often I went. I usually have 2 first thing in the am with in a hour or so. If I am able to eat more that day I might have another sometime in the afternoon or before bed.
I agree with most of the above comments. The two or three that happen on the morning are actually part a, b and c of the single BM. They should not be counted separately

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