Since it is always something.. Cameron's incision is infected and he has a hematoma under the incision. We knew yesterday it was infected and his PCP started him on an antibiotic. He went to the surgeon's office today where the guy seeing patients today felt the incision and found the hematoma. He took out two staples and then proceeded to clean the clots out of the wound in that area and then packed it with gauze. Cameron said he almost passed out when he looked at the gaping wound. Anyway, the Dr cultured it, told them it will drain a lot and to repack/dress at least once a day and by his Friday follow up they will know if need to go on a different antibiotic. He is on a broad spectrum now.. Frankly I am surprised he wasn't admitted and put on a Big Gun IV antibiotic. Oh well. His live in GF is a nurse at the hospital we typically use and she knows what to watch for.