and the (freakin') saga continues!
Went back yesterday to my ID dr. Not getting better, but not worse.
Monday was suppose to be my first day on 1 Vanco every 24 hours, took it at 7 am; Dr appt at 1:00. She started me back on 4 a day, then taper to every 8 hours after 2-3 weeks, then taper, taper, taper - so will be on Vanco another 2 months, at least. I know it's a good thing, I just want to get better, not sit at this stand-still!
Every 2-3 days, I have the horrible stomach cramps and horrible diarrhea, then I'm ok for a couple of days and only having 5-8 bms per day. My "normal DS day is 1-2 times in the morning and I'm done.
So just really frustrated. I feel like a prisoner in my own house. I am afraid to go out much, never know when the pain will hit. I had to take my laptop back to work the other day (it died, it has to have a new system board) and I had to stop 3x on the way and it's only 30 miles! ugh!
Last night was a horrible night, I was about 2 seconds from asking to go back to ERI handle pain well, but man-o-man, when the pains hit it is like a grip around my waist that won't let go. OUCH! I was up every 1-2 hours last night and finally got some relief about 10-11 today. It just hits with no rhyme or reason, just bam!
I know, TMI!
Yes, I am a Costco person, I will check it out. Thank you, Sue!
Oh - strep culture was negative, just have to let it run it's course - sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, cough, snotty, but that is all getting better!
Has anyone heard from @Leeayn Byrd ?
I can't believe she has been MIA for so long. Is she on any other sites?
Negative Nellie that I am, I am concerned that her surgeon went ahead with a procedure that required ABX while she was already dealing with uncontrolled C Diff.
I saw an otherwise well-informed PA today who was sure that C Diff was treated with Flagyl, Vancomycin or Dificid and people responded and it was a done deal. I don't think she was aware that people deal with this for YEARS...and that for some of us, none of those medications ever kill the spores, so reinfections keep happening.
Well, she didn't seem convinced that C Diff was a possibility, but she liked me and wrote an order for stool test. And retested urine which, as usual, was negative with trace amounts of blood. (That's me on a good day.)So you got a second medical opinion? What did she say?
While you're asking about MIA ppl, anyone heard from @ProteinSnob ? I get nervous when ppl dealing with serious medical issues go missingHas anyone heard from @Leeayn Byrd ?
I can't believe she has been MIA for so long. Is she on any other sites?
Negative Nellie that I am, I am concerned that her surgeon went ahead with a procedure that required ABX while she was already dealing with uncontrolled C Diff.
I saw an otherwise well-informed PA today who was sure that C Diff was treated with Flagyl, Vancomycin or Dificid and people responded and it was a done deal. I don't think she was aware that people deal with this for YEARS...and that for some of us, none of those medications ever kill the spores, so reinfections keep happening.