But it's a DRY heat!

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But high humidity DOES make it worse. Sweaty wet head...and pits...very attractive.

Our first move to NV. We left LA and it was 104° with low-ish humidity...maybe 20-25%? Arrived in Las Vegas and it was 109°, dry heat, generous breeze. It was FAR more comfy in NV.

And, a/c is as "standard" there as storm windows (growing up, I had never heard of them) are where my husband grew up. MiniSue's SoCal classroom had fans runnng and accomplishing nothing. Well...maybe it worked as a convention oven.

In NV, the entire school was air conditioned (not just the principal's office...lol) and it was across the street from a city park with a pool...so in hot weather, PE meant swimming lessons.

Today it will be 107-108°. As I experience it, that is WAY more miserable than 107-108°, or even warmer, in NV.

But...my MIL preferred her Southern Indiana steam bath summers to ours. If the day's high was 91°, the overnight low was 89°... Big freakin' relief, huh? Our low overnight will quite toasty, at about 75°, but that's 30°+ COOLER than the day's high, providing needed relief. MIL said we dressed like onions...layer after layer after layer.

One thing she never said to her daughter was something I heard from my mother every time I walked out the door..."Don't forget to take a wrap!"
Yep the midwest is a Steam Bath in the summer. 95 degrees at 98% humidity is far worse than 110 in Pahonix or Los begas. Don't get me wrong, 110 is hot but 95 and 98% RH is freaking miserable.
I lived in CA for 6 months after we first got married...I hated the lack of humidity. So it truly is what you are use to or what your body can tolerate. But with me staying with at least 40% humidity, it leaves more room out there for those who hate humidity.

When I was growing up, we were lucky to have a window AC. I spent the summer on the couch. My Mother finally got AC in the 80's way after I left home. So I have learned a few tricks to sleeping in this...a fan is critical. Not just one overhead but several in the room. Clothing optional. And clean sheets. A hot shower before bed heats your skin so the air actually feels cooler. Sleeping porches were common esp here in the south.

Of course, now the only part of my body that holds heat is my back. My legs need covers at night even in the worst heat. Esp my feet.
I wish I could have a sleeping porch. Oh my sweet goodness, would that be delightful. I miss things like this about the south. Long hallways, tall ceilings, big windows, deep porches, paint colors that help with summer weather...
I love having four seasons, including as much snow as I can get in the winter. But, ideally, I will someday have a retreat in the deep South.
At this point, I just want the morons on the news to learn that temperature is a four-syllable word. "Temp-a-chur" just doesn't cut it.

Annnnd...two raging fires nearby. So far, one is 1200+ acres, the other is 2000+ acres. Tomorrow, the pool will be covered in black ashes. Yuck.
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We are traveling from Central CA near the coast to Yellowstone in our RV. I learned just before we left that it is OK to use the generator while on the road to run the A/C and for a while it was great - until the generator overheated, when it was the hottest part of the day, driving across I-80 in NV. At least while moving, we got some breeze, but it was not as good as have having the A/C running.
There would be far less misspellings if we said every syllable in words like they do in romance languages. But alas... such is English. Temp-er-a-ture is like saying Wor-chest-er-shire instead of the correct woosh-tuh-shur.
Well, apparently Diana is in the ass end of nowhere with very, very limited wifi access and NO TV. She may be scarce around here for a week.
There is no cell service in Yellowstone. I think we found a spot in the parking lot outside one restaurant where one could get 1 bar on a clear day... maybe.
There is no cell service in Yellowstone. I think we found a spot in the parking lot outside one restaurant where one could get 1 bar on a clear day... maybe.

I warned her that when we went on our The Great Divorce Tour of 2009, we had spotty reception there. And remember that txting works where voice won't.

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