Bullet proof coffee

I have been adding a tablespoon of butter to my coffee every morning (two cups means two tablespoons) and it is helping keep me regular.
I've read about lots of people doing that with coconut oil. My question is if you blend it to incorporate it or if it just floats on the top? I have very distinct memories of my grandfather dunking his buttered kaiser roll in his black coffee every morning and it leaving a greasy film on the surface. It was always unappealing to me and it's what comes to mind when I think about ^^^
I love butter. I love coffee. I throw up in my mouth a little when I think of them together.

Could be that I'd love it, but I"m not going there because the thick creamy type of coconut milk is so good in my coffee for both creaminess and flavor (and it mixes in) that I just don't feel the need to cheat on my beloved coconut cream.
I've never thought this sounded appealing when Liz talks about it and I love both butter and coffee.

any reason I shouldn't get the same benefits from butter on toast with my coffee? or...butter with my scrambled egg I guess would be better.

toast...ah! :sneaky:
I don't like coffee, but I love the smell of coffee beans. I do like me some butter though. I make soft boiled eggs and can mix in a 1/2 stick of butter with them. I have been wanting some, but going to have them a lot in a few weeks so I am waiting.
I've read about lots of people doing that with coconut oil. My question is if you blend it to incorporate it or if it just floats on the top? I have very distinct memories of my grandfather dunking his buttered kaiser roll in his black coffee every morning and it leaving a greasy film on the surface. It was always unappealing to me and it's what comes to mind when I think about ^^^
love coconut coffee, I get a pound of ground creamy coconut at a gourmet coffee shop in hells kitchen behind the port authority when I come into the city to see my endocrinologist. 42 & 9th great little shop. my dog gets the coconut oil, for his fur.
I don't drink coffee, never developed the taste. But I do like my fats and salt. I have been known to slice a chunk of cold salted butter off the stick and pop it into my mouth. Melty yumminess!
I don't drink coffee, never developed the taste. But I do like my fats and salt. I have been known to slice a chunk of cold salted butter off the stick and pop it into my mouth. Melty yumminess!
I was in my 20's before I started drinking coffee. Until then it was just hot tea in the winter, iced tea all year round. My Mother didn't drink coffee and actually daddy didn't either til I was in my 40's. But at 27 during my first weekend in the SCARNG (South Carolina Army Reserve National Guard) as a SMP was when I started. It was Jan and cold. The Officer I was shadowing suggested coffee as a way to keep my hands warm (Military are not allowed to put their hands in their pockets to keep warm, that's why they are issued gloves). Well, if I am gonna hold a damned cup of coffee, I may as well drink it. That's why I prefer STRONG coffee...cause most of theirs was made yesterday!

Now I have to have 2 BIG cups of strong coffee daily (my cup holds 20 oz) but it has to have splenda AND creamer. Thankfully dh likes strong coffee too but he drinks his black so I have to find other ways to get his fat in daily. :)

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