Best Scale?

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I've used the same basic scale since I bought it right after surgery. It doesn't have any bells or whistles. It just tells me how much I weigh. I don't think you'll ever find two scales that are the same. I never pay any attention to any other number except the number on my scale. Stop worrying about the numbers.
If yours is off, but you're not worried about the numbers, then just ONLY use that scale and it'll track your LOSS just fine. it doesn't necessarily matter what scale you use, as long as you're consistent with one then you'll know your progress.
I have an inexpensive Weight Watches digital scale that measures to the 1/10th pound. But I only track the full pounds number. I weigh before showering/dressing in the morning, but after bathroom duty.

Many scales these days have fancy calculators and tracking systems. You can save money with a pen and paper.

And invest in a tape measure, recording all of your measurements monthly

While I have always weighted myself daily, I know that it is the long term trend that is important. During weight loss, if the numbers were not going down, I just redoubled my efforts until the scale jumped downward. Now at goal, I just watch the +/- 5 pound range. If I had experienced any obsession or disfunctional behaviour from the daily weighing, I would have done as Joanne suggests and gotten rid of the bugger.
Tanita is a very good brand of scales. Many doctors use them. Mine gives a body fat percentage which is quite useful because you can see whether you are losing fat or muscle (if your protein intake is too low, you may find you lose more muscle). You get more expensive ones that include bone weight, muscle weight, etc. but sadly my budget doesn't stretch that far. Personally, I love numbers and stats and being able to quantify the changes. I also keep track of pretty much every measurement possible on my body when trying to lose weight. I get OCD like that, but it works for me. I know I'm a bit strange in that regard ;).
I use the FitBit Aria scale and I like it a lot. It syncs with the FitBit site over my wifi. It also measures % body fat, probably a crude measure, but at least in the ballpark.
I've had the same WW bodyfat scale for years.. it's okay. I frankly don't care that it may weigh a pound or two off here and there as I'm not too concerned about the daily crap and only the trend. I agree with others above- the fit of my clothes and the way I look naked are far better indicators of where I'm at. I do like the BF% thing and frankly would LOVE the thing if I could switch off the lbs number and just get the BF reading. It too varies depending on hydration, but it's the number that I'm really more interested in keeping tabs on than anything else. I know I could get just a BF tester, and may (for sanity sake, as the stupid thing can **** with my mood when I'm particularly PMSy and vulnerable..) In fact, I think I may just go hunt Amazon and get a plain ol BF tester and put the thing away.. I aim for eating well, and maintaining health, not a specific number, but I also aim to stay in the same size range I own.. so that right there is a limit switch, jeans get tight.. the scale won't tell me anything I don't already know..

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