RNY in October 2004. Lost a lot, gained a bit back, now lost another 30 since springtime (total of about 115 off). Have to admit I'm one of the very lucky ones - no vitamin deficiencies, no real issues, can eat anything, drink wine, etc. I do get nauseated if I eat too much or too fast, especially beef or broccoli, so the solution is - eat those things more slowly. I'm so lucky that I mostly just consider myself normal, but that took a while. I do still preach a little to others who might be helped, and it seems that this "normal" appearance convinces some of them, particularly those who have heard of or seen only the tougher cases. My only health issue is having to take meds for gastric reflux, which causes poor calcium absorption and has now resulted in osteoporosis. It's either take the stuff and mess up my bones, or stop it and risk esophageal cancer. Apparently there are meds that can help, but now I have to do extensive dental work first, and haven't mentally gotten it together to start. However, the problem has nothing to do with the bypass surgery. Wish I could have done it thirty years earlier!