Another Recycle...

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery Forum

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Freddled gruntbuggly
Jul 7, 2014
Seattle, WA USA
I am another person back, after being expertly shepherded through my surgery and recovery by this group.

My surgery was about eight years ago, and I remember there were always a lot of veterans coming back to the group at about that distance. If I remember correctly, common entries included "I'm not compliant, eat like crap and am having medical issues. And what's the deal with plastic surgery?" :)

Yes to the first two, but hopefully I'm ahead of the posse still on my health. I haven't had blood work in two years, but I was stable before that and am not showing any symptoms. (Beyond the occasional K bruise) But it is time. And yes, I'm plastic curious. :p

The only issue is that it feels like the surgical site in my abdomen occasionally catches if I cough just wrong. This is something that has gone from once a year to maybe every 20th time I cough. If it wasn't for covid, I would have probably already had that checked it, but now I'm used to it.

I'm healthy and my weight is stable, but I'm "see every rib" skinny. Skipping a lot of details, I'm thinking that maybe I should go somewhere "official" and get checked from head to toe by an expert. Do any of the respected practices offer this service? I'm open to any of your suggestions because you guys know.

I spent some time reading around and it was great to see everybody still here, still helping out. Thank you guys. I hope you realize just how big a difference you have made to people like me.
I'm not a veteran, so I'll let those who are give you the info you need. I'm still pre-op, but I've read just about all the threads here (I'm a bit hyper-focused), and I'm glad to see you come back and post. :)
I'm healthy and my weight is stable, but I'm "see every rib" skinny. Skipping a lot of details, I'm thinking that maybe I should go somewhere "official" get checked from head to toe by an expert.

everybody needs this kind of "head to toe" check up and it's sad it's not happening automatically.

I'm glad you feel healthy and stable, neither is anything to sneeze at!

You are the author of one of the funniest posts I've ever seen on this site:

"Looking back before my ds, I swear I was like the worst kind of pre-teen fan girl about food. "OMG! I am in the same room as a donut!! OMG!! Do you think it noticed me?? OMG! I'm wearing a green top and it's in a green box!!!" I was crushing so bad that I'm surprised I didn't accidently sign my name "Mrs. Brandy Donut"."

Found in this thread

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