Is the clock ticking on our national nightmare, or is this going to be another disappointment?

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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
This is a 50+ "megathread" or long-ass series of tweets by Seth Abramson. If even mostly true, the **** is going to hit the fan shortly. I am so afraid it is not going to happen.

"(50) In sum, the IC and Democrats increasingly think the STEELE dossier and #Russiagate theory are accurate. If so, TRUMP will be impeached."

I am posting it in threaded form (right order) to make it easier to read, including some of the links.
(MEGA-THREAD) The plot to sell America's foreign policy for foreign oil _and_ steal an election in the bargain began at the Mayflower Hotel.

(NOTES) Dossier claims about TRUMP's 2013 Moscow trip are still being investigated, but we know TRUMP lied about it. [Link to]

(NOTES 2) This thread implicitly incorporates all info from the thread on the "Mayflower Speech" TRUMP gave in 2016. [Link to]
On Friday, a top national security expert said her sources were telling her Mike Flynn might've been flipped by the FBI. Below is an update. [Link to]

(1) Between 6/20/16 and 12/13/16, former MI6 agent STEELE compiled an intel dossier establishing TRUMP and allies had committed treason.

(2) STEELE first worked for anti-Trump GOP operatives, but most of his research was done for free due to his concern for the intel on TRUMP.

(3) Between 6/1 and 11/18, parts of the dossier were variously held by anti-Trump GOPers, the MI6, FBI friends of Steele, and David Corn.

(4) During this time--largely pre-election--there is no evidence that any of the dossier's sources had been identified or in any way harmed.

(5) From 11/18 to 12/9, John MCCAIN was also aware of the dossier. During this period, none of the dossier's sources were blown or harmed.

(6) Between 11/18 and 12/9 MCCAIN acquired the dossier. The Guardian reports MCCAIN didn't share it--to avoid looking vengeful toward TRUMP.

(7) On 12/9, MCCAIN gave the dossier to COMEY. Presumably, COMEY thereafter shared it with other agents at the FBI.

(8) The NEW YORK FIELD OFFICE of the FBI is known to have illegally leaked confidential information to TRUMP advisers GIULIANI and PRINCE.

(9) GIULIANI and PRINCE--a TRUMP "shadow adviser" and brother to DEVOS--have admitted to having active FBI sources. [Link to]

(10) Former TRUMP National Security Adviser Michael FLYNN was just found to have active (and paid) FBI sources also. [Link to]

(11) Within seventeen days of the FBI having possession of Steele's dossier, the chief source behind the dossier had been murdered by PUTIN.

(12) On 12/26, the top aide and most trusted advisor of SECHIN, head of Russia's oil/gas company, was found murdered in the back of his car.

(13) The deceased man, former FSB agent Oleg EROVINKIN, was the trusted "go-between between SECHIN and PUTIN," also both former FSB agents.

(14) The dossier accused SECHIN of offering TRUMP, via PAGE, money from Russia's oil company ROSNEFT in exchange for lifting U.S. sanctions.

(15) The theory PUTIN helped elect TRUMP and offered money via SECHIN for lifting sanctions (allowing a ROSNEFT pipeline) is "#Russiagate."

(16) The death of SECHIN aide/STEELE source EROVINKIN was reported as a heart attack before an autopsy had occurred.

(17) By 12/29, outlets reporting EROVINKIN died in the back of his car via heart attack were withdrawing the claim.

(18) While news of the death wouldn't break widely until late January, it's reasonable to assume Steele had heard about it by early January.

(19) The reason for this is that former FSB and ROSNEFT man EROVINKIN was--as later became public--the chief source for the STEELE dossier.

(20) As there was no reason for STEELE to think on 12/26 the FSB had his dossier, there was no reason for him to think EROVINKIN was killed.

(21) On 1/10, BUZZFEED published the STEELE dossier. Steele was quickly outed as author by the WSJ, endangering him.

(22) The BUZZFEED publication also would've confirmed for STEELE that EROVINKIN had indeed been identified and thereafter murdered by PUTIN.

(23) On 1/12, STEELE and his family abandoned their home in Surrey with no indication of whether they'd ever return.

(24) By 1/12, British media had established Steele's strong reputation in the IC as former Russia-desk head for MI6.

(25) Meanwhile, U.S. media did little research on STEELE--and indulged claims by TRUMP that STEELE was a "failed spy" peddling "fake news."

(26) By 1/27, it had been leaked that EROVINKIN, a "go-between for PUTIN and SECHIN," was a primary dossier source. [Link to]

(27) The news of EROVINKIN being linked to the dossier within a matter of days increased the credibility of the dossier for law enforcement.

(28) On 2/11 CBS said "it's gaining credibility among law enforcement--even for people who discounted it initially."

(29) On 2/27 reports placed Steele in Cambridge after 7 weeks without a sighting, though he remained away from home.

(30) On 3/1 it was revealed the FBI had enough confidence in the dossier that it offered to pay STEELE to expand it.

(31) On 3/2, SENATE DEMS contacted STEELE via friends and offered to help him testify before their Intel Committee.

(32) On 3/7, STEELE emerged from hiding and told the press, "I won't be making any further statements at this time."

(33) A reasonable speculation is that STEELE's emergence from hiding was prompted at least in part by U.S. assurances he'd be foregrounded.

(34) The more attention U.S. officials gave STEELE, and the more legitimacy their statements lent to his work, the safer he was from PUTIN.

(35) On 3/17 it was confirmed that a STEELE source, MILLIAN, met with former MANAFORT boss (DERIPASKA) in June 2016.

(36) DERIPASKA, a close ally of PUTIN, had paid MANAFORT $10 million annually from 2006 to 2009 to shill for Russia.

(37) MANAFORT, whose current tie to DERIPASKA/PUTIN is unknown, has now been found to have laundered his Russia pay.

(38) The MILLIAN/DERIPASKA meet further confirmed the dossier originated from sources in a position to know the movements of TRUMP advisers.

(39) On 3/20, the HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE met publicly with COMEY. The Dems cited STEELE's dossier repeatedly.

(40) Within 72 hours the Dems had indicated they intended to ask STEELE to testify. Citing his dossier was likely intended to keep him safe.

(41) The likely Dem theory: if the dossier's content is not just public but made public by Congress, PUTIN gains nothing in killing STEELE.

(42) On 3/23, Rep. Himes (D-CT) of the HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE told CBS, "We’ll want to talk to Christopher Steele."

(43) Himes' statement confirmed the House as well as the Senate was interested in STEELE and had a new level of confidence he would testify.

(44) In the past (e.g. after the 2004 election) minority parties in Congressional committees have scheduled informal meetings for witnesses.

(45) So even when the GOP refuses to let STEELE formally testify, HOUSE AND SENATE DEMS can (and say they will) schedule informal testimony.

(46) The benefit of informal testimony is that Dems can televise the testimony so long as STEELE agrees to discuss no classified U.S. intel.

(47) So there's every reason to believe that (a) STEELE has strong sources, (b) PUTIN won't kill him, and (c) he will soon testify publicly.

(48) For all the lies told by TRUMP and ALLIES about both STEELE and his dossier, in fact virtually none of it has been disproven to date.

(49) E.g., PAGE has confessed to ROSNEFT meets; the ROSNEFT sale was as described; COHEN was a courier as described.

(50) In sum, the IC and Democrats increasingly think the STEELE dossier and #Russiagate theory are accurate. If so, TRUMP will be impeached.
It's a matter of time. Nunes went to the WH because there was undeniable evidence of treason in the FBI monitoring. Flynn copped a plea and is providing evidence. NUnes is stalling the committee, cancelling hearings, to give DJT time. When Comey completes the investigation and announces his intent to present it, Trump will resign.Comey is dragging his heels to give him more time. PEnce will exonerate Trump (and maybe the lot of them), and the world will go on. Pence is no prize at least but he appears sane. I just hope there isn't violence in the streets. I'm still planning to go to the Tax March on April 15, but I hope he is gone by then. As forBill Clinton's impeachment, it was nothing close to treason. This isn't a ********. It's treason. jail time is approopriate, but Pence will set him free to golf and tweet.
I wasn't comparing the crimes of Clinton and equating them to Trump's; I just don't have much faith in the outcome that DJT deserves. BTW, I didn't give a rat's ass about Clinton's sexcapades; it was his perjury that pissed me off. Yet he didn't suffer all that much and has done quite well in the private sector. Martha Stewart did well after her kerfuffle. Al Sharpton still owes back taxes. Trump will do as well. I'll settle for getting him out of office, as justice has changed over the years. Too much has been written off as BFD.
The problem with getting him out is that Pence then becomes the President.
Yes, but Pence at least has some clue about politics even if one does not like his. We'll have to watch to see if that happens to see who becomes Veep. Do we need another *accidental* president like Ford?

(I am one of the very few who admired Ford for pardoning Nixon. That action saved countless millions of dollars. I didn't think we would have gained much from a long, drawn-out trial. The impeachment of Clinton changed very little plus how much money did that ******** cost? Ford deserved the John F. Kennedy Presidential Profile in Courage Award. Hell, I even have a modicum of respect for Nixon admitting that he ****** up and stepped down.)
If you read Malcom Nance's The Plot to Hack America, I think you will find that:
- the original goal was to so dirty Hillary's reputation, she would have zero political capital once elected;
- Trump's victory, although assisted by the CYBER BEARS et al, was a bit of a surprise...a бонус (bonus);
- the UNIQUELY organized and controlled Russian Intelligence Community had planned seven phases that went like this...
1. Make contact, befriend and encourage the Asset;
2. Make asset feel indebted to Russia;
3. Conduct covert cyber-intelligence preparation of the battle space;
4. Prepare the political battle space;
5. Develop and sustain supporting political/propaganda;
6. Fund and manipulate a cutout asset to disperse компромат information;
7. Execute компромат operations.

So, how do you think they did?

Their only problem at this point is that Trump mostly cannot be "handled." He is just too psycho to maintain. The only possible control would be threat of exposure or porn photos of his daughter-wife...but the former doesn't usually work and the latter just might not exist.

Imho, we leave him where he is and prevent him from accomplishing anything, all the while filing more and more criminal and civil cases until he just sits around drooling and tweeting nursery rhymes on Twitter.

If we dump Trump, we get Pence (or even Ryan) and they are horrid people with destructive agendas. Trump, otoh, has no agenda other than that he needs crowds cheering at him and his name on everything.

My plan is to flip the House in 2018 and freeze as much activity as possible until 2020.
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Oh...and I am now reading David Cay Johnston's The Making of Donald Trump. If you read that, you will learn why Trump has no reason to believe he can't just do whatever the hell he wants to do.
And tonight someone tweeted:

Maybe it would be easier for the FBI to just investigate whether anyone in the White House has connections to the United States...
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More positive thoughts:

"The investigation, then, is into a range of possibilities: at one end, unwitting co-operation with Russia by members of the Trump campaign; at the other conscious "co-ordination".

Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager, Robby Mook, said that if Trump's aides knew of Russia's plans, there should be charges of treason.

Trump's enemies ask us to believe that some of his people were either traitors or dupes.

The president himself has another version of events: there was no "co-ordination"; the whole thing is a monstrous lie created by the Obama administration, fed by the intelligence community and amplified by the "dishonest" media, billowing black clouds of smoke but no fire.

When the dossier was released, he tweeted: "Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

These two stories cannot be reconciled.

With each new drip of information, option three - the chance that this is all a giant mistake, an improbable series of coincidences - seems further out of reach.

Increasingly, the American people are being asked to choose between two unpalatable versions of events: abuse of power by one president or treason that put another in the White House.

It cannot be both."
"Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

last night I watched Downfall, about the very end of the Nazis and it makes you really wonder about people who can follow, revere even, an angry ugly man with really bad hair.

it's supposed to be pretty accurate since it's based on the memoirs of Hitler's last secretary who was in the bunker until after his suicide.

what really made me think of our current president? they way he blamed everyone else: traitors did this! they all lied to him! he took no responsibility at all.
Oh...and I am now reading David Cay Johnston's The Making of Donald Trump. If you read that, you will learn why Trump has no reason to believe he can't just do whatever the hell he wants to do.

just listening to interviews by the author I knew this - he is not even a businessman let alone a talented one; he is a rich kid turned con man.

Don The Con. :angry smile:
Yes, but Pence at least has some clue about politics even if one does not like his. We'll have to watch to see if that happens to see who becomes Veep. Do we need another *accidental* president like Ford?

no matter who the VP is, treason must be prosecuted.

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