OK, I stayed on the half dosage of vitamins for a while (cut back on the K1 and K2 as well), and finally retested:
Date AST (0-40) ALT (0-32) Comments
1/9/17 136 162 Initial appointment
1/27/17 126 274 Recheck
2/20/17 74 145 After stopping Vit A, D, K1, K2
5/18/17 48 184 After resuming ½ dose of Vit A, D, K1, K2
My GI doc doesn't think a liver biopsy is necessary. However, he wants me to lose 20 lbs. I'm at about 168 now. I will try to get more exercise, and if weight loss happens, it happens.
I'm not too worried. The Aciphex is working about as well as the Protonix did - I still wake up in the early morning hours and barf occasionally (~twice/month), with nothing in my stomach and it doesn't feel particularly acidy - I'm just nauseated for some reason. I hate it - but I'm not sure it's an issue worth investigating much further. However, sometime in the next couple of months (since I've met my deductible and the new plan year starts Sept. 1st and what else is fun to do during the summer in Phoenix?), I'm going to have that UGI I was supposed to get a couple of years ago and never did - it's what you do when you take high doses of PPIs.
I had even talked the GI doc into doing both a UGI and colonoscopy in the same "sitting" (and I made him promise to do the UGI first!), but it turns out I had badly misremembered when my last colonoscopy was - I'm on the 10 year plan, and it was in 2012. Nevermind - just the upper thankyouverymuch.
I just discovered, however, in looking up in our old records when I was due, that it's Charles who is due for another colonoscopy.

He's going through some other **** right now (har har har), but I am going to get on him soon to git 'er done. He's not going to be happy about it (he had polyps, so he's on the 5 year plan).