Well, not LOST exactly, more like MIA. And not so much FOUND as found my way back here.
This is mostly me checking in to say I'm baaack.... I've missed you all and I've got a LOT of catching up to do here. Before I start reading I want to say hi and let you know where I've been.
So the bottom line is that I've got my gonna-be-90-this-year mom living with me. Usually it's a joy and a pleasure and, mostly, a drama-free relationship. In December she got an ulcer on her toe which has morphed into a major medical incident that is careening toward, among other things, amputation. She's in the hospital now and that actually means I've come up for air.
Somewhere in the past couple months I had my own weird bout of unidentified but thank-goodness-it-wasn't-cDiff runs that are finally over but had me for 23 days before leaving. Anyway, gone now and good riddance. More on that another time and in another post.
And finally I'm coming up on 2 years (March 29th) since my revision and really am finally feeling somewhat normal. I've had enough energy to do all I've needed to do and heavy, fatty proteins (think steak/bbq chicken, etc.) now actually go down great. It took the better part of two years but except for the less than expected weight loss (which I believe could certainly change if I continue feeling well enough to work out -- and continue keeping solid food down b/c I'm sure my body has been in starvation mode again and is storing every possible calorie), I may be able to move forward into a healthy future without any further bariatric surgery (yayyyy) so I am thrilled about that.
OK , that's my 2 minute catchup. Wishing every one of you health and happiness and all that good stuff. Thanks for checking in on me Liz, Diana, Whit and everyone else! It's good to be home.
So the bottom line is that I've got my gonna-be-90-this-year mom living with me. Usually it's a joy and a pleasure and, mostly, a drama-free relationship. In December she got an ulcer on her toe which has morphed into a major medical incident that is careening toward, among other things, amputation. She's in the hospital now and that actually means I've come up for air.
Somewhere in the past couple months I had my own weird bout of unidentified but thank-goodness-it-wasn't-cDiff runs that are finally over but had me for 23 days before leaving. Anyway, gone now and good riddance. More on that another time and in another post.
And finally I'm coming up on 2 years (March 29th) since my revision and really am finally feeling somewhat normal. I've had enough energy to do all I've needed to do and heavy, fatty proteins (think steak/bbq chicken, etc.) now actually go down great. It took the better part of two years but except for the less than expected weight loss (which I believe could certainly change if I continue feeling well enough to work out -- and continue keeping solid food down b/c I'm sure my body has been in starvation mode again and is storing every possible calorie), I may be able to move forward into a healthy future without any further bariatric surgery (yayyyy) so I am thrilled about that.
OK , that's my 2 minute catchup. Wishing every one of you health and happiness and all that good stuff. Thanks for checking in on me Liz, Diana, Whit and everyone else! It's good to be home.