Don't Use Ozonators to Deodorize Indoors!

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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
You may see all kinds of recommendations for dealing with the often unpleasant smell of DS poop. However, if you are tempted to believe the ads for ozonators, think twice. I wouldn't touch one, especially indoors. It may work - to the extent it works at all - predominantly through poisoning your olfactory receptors.

"How is Ozone Harmful?
The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of ozone to react with organic material outside the body give it the ability to react with similar organic material that makes up the body, and potentially cause harmful health consequences. When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs (see - "Ozone and Your Health"). Relatively low amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and, throat irritation. Ozone may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections. People vary widely in their susceptibility to ozone. Healthy people, as well as those with respiratory difficulty, can experience breathing problems when exposed to ozone. Exercise during exposure to ozone causes a greater amount of ozone to be inhaled, and increases the risk of harmful respiratory effects. Recovery from the harmful effects can occur following short-term exposure to low levels of ozone, but health effects may become more damaging and recovery less certain at higher levels or from longer exposures (US EPA, 1996a, 1996b)."

Table 1. Ozone Heath Effects and Standards

Health Effects Risk Factors Health Standards*

Potential risk of experiencing:
Decreases in lung function
Aggravation of asthma
Throat irritation and cough
Chest pain and shortness of breath
Inflammation of lung tissue
Higher susceptibility to respiratory infection

Factors expected to increase risk and severity of health effects are:
Increase in ozone air concentration
Greater duration of exposure for some health effects
Activities that raise the breathing rate (e.g., exercise)
Certain pre-existing lung diseases (e.g., asthma)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires ozone output of indoor medical devices to be no more than 0.05 ppm.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that workers not be exposed to an average concentration of more than 0.10 ppm for 8 hours.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends an upper limit of 0.10 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time.

EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone is a maximum 8 hour average outdoor concentration of 0.08 ppm (see - the Clean Air Act -

"Available scientific evidence shows that at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone has little potential to remove indoor air contaminants."

"There is evidence to show that at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone is not effective at removing many odor-causing chemicals."

See also:
"Ozone is well known for its ability to eliminate certain odors. How this is accomplished is controversial. At concentrations just above the odor threshold, some odors do seem to vanish. The main reason for this may be ozone's ability to desensitize the olfactory apparatus so that the odors can no longer be perceived."

PhysiologySee also: trioxidane
Ozone, along with reactive forms of oxygen such as superoxide, singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorite ions, is naturally produced by white blood cells and other biological systems (such as the roots of marigolds) as a means of destroying foreign bodies. Ozone reacts directly with organic double bonds. Also, when ozone breaks down to dioxygen it gives rise to oxygen free radicals, which are highly reactive and capable of damaging many organic molecules. Moreover, it is believed that the powerful oxidizing properties of ozone may be a contributing factor of inflammation. The cause-and-effect relationship of how the ozone is created in the body and what it does is still under consideration and still subject to various interpretations, since other body chemical processes can trigger some of the same reactions. A team headed by Dr. Paul Wentworth Jr. of the Department of Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute has shown evidence linking the antibody-catalyzed water-oxidation pathway of the human immune response to the production of ozone. In this system, ozone is produced by antibody-catalyzed production of trioxidane from water and neutrophil-produced singlet oxygen.[41]

When inhaled, ozone reacts with compounds lining the lungs to form specific, cholesterol-derived metabolites that are thought to facilitate the build-up and pathogenesis of atherosclerotic plaques (a form of heart disease). These metabolites have been confirmed as naturally occurring in human atherosclerotic arteries and are categorized into a class of secosterols termed atheronals, generated by ozonolysis of cholesterol's double bond to form a 5,6 secosterol[42] as well as a secondary condensation product via aldolization.[43]

Ozone has been implicated to have an adverse effect on plant growth: "... ozone reduced total chlorophylls, carotenoid and carbohydrate concentration, and increased 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) content and ethylene production. In treated plants, the ascorbate leaf pool was decreased, while lipid peroxidation and solute leakage were significantly higher than in ozone-free controls. The data indicated that ozone triggered protective mechanisms against oxidative stress in citrus."[44]

[edit] Safety regulations
Due to the strongly oxidizing properties of ozone, ozone is a primary irritant, affecting especially the eyes and respiratory systems and can be hazardous at even low concentrations. The Canadian Center for Occupation Safety and Health reports that:

"Even very low concentrations of ozone can be harmful to the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. The severity of injury depends on both by the concentration of ozone and the duration of exposure. Severe and permanent lung injury or death could result from even a very short-term exposure to relatively low concentrations." [45]

To protect workers potentially exposed to ozone, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has established a permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 0.1 ìmol/mol (29 CFR 1910.1000 table Z-1), calculated as an 8 hour time weighted average. Higher concentrations are especially hazardous and NIOSH has established an Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health Limit (IDLH) of 5 ìmol/mol.[46] Work environments where ozone is used or where it is likely to be produced should have adequate ventilation and it is prudent to have a monitor for ozone that will alarm if the concentration exceeds the OSHA PEL. Continuous monitors for ozone are available from several suppliers.

Elevated ozone exposure can occur on passenger aircraft, with levels depending on altitude and atmospheric turbulence.[47] United States Federal Aviation Authority regulations set a limit of 250 nmol/mol with a maximum four-hour average of 100 nmol/mol.[48] Some planes are equipped with ozone converters in the ventilation system to reduce passenger exposure.[47]

Here is something more compact and geared to the non-scientist:

What Ozone Emitted from Ozone Generators DOES NOT Do at FDA Approved Concentrations:
o Purify the air
o Kill bacteria, viruses or mold
o Remove smoke, dust, or other particulates
o Remove odors

What Ozone Emitted from Ozone Generators DOES:
o Produces unsafe levels of ozone
o Combines with other household chemicals to form dangerous reaction products that can be inhaled.
o Increases the total number of chemical compounds (VOCs) indoors where ozone generators are used.
o Damages certain plastics and rubber materials
o Masks the odor of other indoor air pollutants by deadening the sense of smell.

How can ozone generators increase indoor air pollution?
Ozone does not remove chemical contaminants from the air, but in fact, increases chemical air pollution by combining with chemicals typically found in the home, office, or school, such as ordinary household cleaners, plug-in type air fresheners, and personal hygiene products. Many of these products contain a class of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) called terpenes, which are the fragrance component of pine and citrus oils. Ozone combines with terpenes to form dangerous reaction products (including formaldehyde, [a known human carcinogen and respiratory tract irritant]) which may be even more irritating than the parent chemicals.

Why are ozone generators still on the market?
While a handful of state and federal agencies have taken actions in an attempt to address this health issue, no agency has clear authority to control ozone emissions from air cleaning/purifying devices, and actions to date have not been effective in addressing this problem.

If you are more concerned about the smell of your poop than your health, or the health of people you live with, be my guest - crank that ozonator up, and deaden (likely means damage) your olfactory receptors and those of people around you, as well as possibly causing other harm. You might want to advise them of what you are doing, and ask their permission first. But the facts are that at SAFE levels, ozone is an ineffective deodorant; and at EFFECTIVE levels, ozone is toxic.

More on the topic, since I have found a bunch of references and don't want to have to look them up again in case someone want to continue to defend their use:

Here's an article about indoor ozone and why it is so bad, and it doesn't even take into account the DELIBERATE generation of indoor ozone:
Products of ozone-initiated indoor chemistry There are several reasons why products of ozone-initiated chemistry tend to have higher concentrations indoors than outdoors. First, there are more ozone-reactive chemicals indoors than outdoors because of the presence of consumer products, architectural coatings, furnishings, and building materials; indeed, some sources occur almost exclusively indoors (e.g., carpets, linoleum, air fresheners). Second, the concentrations of ozone-reactive compounds tend to be higher indoors than outdoors (Brown et al. 1994; Hodgson and Levin 2003; Wolkoff 1995), reflecting more sources and larger emission rates per volumetric flow rate.
Health effects of ozone reaction products Certain ozone reaction products are known to have adverse health effects. For example, formaldehyde has been designated a Group 1 carcinogen in a 2004 International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluation (Cogliano et al. 2005). Acrolein is listed by California as an irritant and carcinogen (California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment 2006). Peroxyactyl nitrate is a known eye irritant (Vyskocil et al. 1998), as are some of the products of ozone/terpene and ozone/isoprene chemistry (Kleno and Wolkoff 2004; Nojgaard et al. 2005). Hydroperoxides formed via the oxidation of terpenes and terpenoids can be potent contact allergens (Gafvert et al. 1994; Karlberg and DoomsGoossens 1997; Matura et al. 2003, 2005; Skold et al. 2002). Leikauf (2002) has listed formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein as compounds anticipated to induce or exacerbate asthma.

Here is the product information for the OZN-jr. It suggests using it VERY differently from what puppysweets suggests.
Most people find a location to hang the unit on a wall away from human activity.
OSHA limits for ozone exposure are .5 ppm for 8 hours. Do not operate the OZN-jr. in small closed spaces while occupied.

Here's more information about the DANGERS of ozone generators:
Health Considerations

Unfortunately, the same chemical properties that allow ozone to alter organic material in household air also give it the ability to react with organic material inside the human body. Even low levels of ozone exposure can cause the following conditions:
•coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, and throat irritation;
•worsened chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma;
•increased risk of developing bronchitis or pneumonia; and
•compromised ability of the body to fight respiratory infections.

People's susceptibility to ozone varies widely. An ozone generator should never be operated in occupied spaces, and the area should be adequately vented before people or animals are allowed to re-enter.

According to a report produced by the EPA, ozone generators are ineffective at reducing levels of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, despite claims by manufacturers. Also, from the toxins with which ozone does react, there is a potential for the creation of new, potentially more dangerous toxins. For example, ozone mixed with chemicals from new carpet can create aldehydes, which can irritate the lungs. Other reactions may create formic acid, another irritant. The potential for chemical reactions in the average house is difficult to predict.
Other Potential Damage Caused by Ozone in Homes


Environmental ozone causes more damage to plants than all other air pollutants combined. Similarly, ozone generators can damage plants in indoor environments. High levels of ozone will inhibit the ability of plants to open the microscopic pores on their foliage and breathe. Specifically, ozone can cause the following conditions in plants:
•chlorosis, a condition in which the plant cannot produce sufficient chlorophyll to manufacture carbohydrates;
•necrosis, or the premature death of living cells, which may lead to the death of the plant as a whole;
•flecks or small light tan irregular spots;
•stipples, which are small, darkly pigmented areas; and

Damage to Building Materials

In addition to human and animal health, excess ozone can damage the following materials:
•carpets, especially synthetic carpets;
•carpet padding;
•foam cushions;
•other plastic furnishings and furniture covers;
•rubber pads and padding;
•electrical wire coatings; and
•fabrics and art containing certain dyes or pigments.
In summary, ozone generators are used to enhance indoor air quality, even if the gas is dangerous and often ineffective.

Some miscellaneous documents for those who are still not convinced:
Ozone is Not Effective at Cleaning the Air
Manufacturers of ozone generators often claim that “safe” levels of ozone can remove indoor air pollutants such as particles, gases, allergens, viruses, odorous compounds, mold, and bacteria. In fact, ozone reacts with some indoor air chemicals to produce significant increases in other pollutants such as formaldehyde and ultrafine particles, which can be harmful to health (Boeniger, 1995; Nazaroff and Weschler, 2004; Hubbard et al., 2005). While ozone reduces a few odorous compounds, it simultaneously fatigues the olfactory sense and reduces one’s ability to smell odors, essentially masking odors rather than removing them. Ozone is somewhat effective in killing mold and bacteria on building material surfaces, but only at extremely high levels – over 5.0 ppm – and even those levels do not denature or remove microbial residues and spores in building materials (Foarde et al., 1997), which can continue to trigger asthma and allergy symptoms. Extensive expert testimony in the successful lawsuit by the Federal Trade Commission against Alpine Air and Living Air, two ozone generator manufacturers, confirmed the almost complete lack of effectiveness of ozone for indoor air treatment (FTC, 2002). More recently, Chen et al. (2005) confirmed that two ozone generators did not effectively remove volatile organic compounds from a test room, except for limonene, which reacts quickly with ozone to produce formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen and respiratory irritant.
Users of these devices are commonly unable to accurately gauge the actual levels of ozone either emitted directly by these devices or which accumulate as the devices are used for periods of time for a variety of reasons, including the deadening effect of ozone on people’s sense of smell (olfactory sense). While exiting an enclosed area may offer some protection to the person who sets a dual use device on a high setting or uses an otherwise high emitting device, this offers no protection to other people who may enter the area. ge&f=false (can't copy from this book - you'll have to go look)

Here's one that proposes that the effect of ozone on memory as well as sense of smell from chronic ozone exposure in post-menopausal women may be even more severe:
Results showed that ozone exposure for 30 or 60 days impaired formation/retention of a selective olfactory recognition memory 120 min after exposure to a juvenile stimulus animal with the effect at 60 days being significantly greater than at 30 days. They also showed impaired speed in locating a buried chocolate reward after 60 days of ozone exposure indicating some loss of olfactory perception.​

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I know first hand this is all too true. Not too long ago I was in an apartment that had been sealed for several days with an ozone generator left running. The air in there was absolutely toxic. I had to run in long enough to turn off the generator and open all the doors and windows. It left me short of breath and feeling ill. And made my eyes water and nose burn.

I am not one of those wimpy people who are constantly complaining either. If I noticed, it was really bad!
I wondered about this years ago when a friend of mine popped in wearing one of these devices on a necklace around her neck. She said she was severely allergic to all perfumes and scents and wore this device to produce ozone in an effort to combat her allergies. I said (way back then) I didn't think it was such a good idea. She was also using copious amounts of hand sanitizer on herself and her children. I never thought that stuff was a good thing, either, along with antibacterial soaps.

My motto has been NOT to be on the cutting edge of new things. I sit back and watch, make up my own mind, and listen to my instincts. They have never steered me wrong yet.
There are more than a few life-o-phobes out there who would be much better off if they would just go outside and eat some dirt!
OMG, Munchkin, you sound like me. I always say my husband is so healthy because as a child he played in their yard where their open septic system was. He tells stories of having to run in there to get their baseball and his father telling the kids to stay out. But he said they (the kids) reasoned it was "okay" if they ran in really fast.

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