RV living 101

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Jan 1, 2014
I've toyed with the idea for years but keep letting it defeat me (just the idea!) because I am so unhandy, I don't even want a used car. I want a NEW one. but affordable housing has become such a huge problem I now want to think about this seriously. I also hate the apartment I'm living in and I want a dog very badly. SO:

I guess the three options are

  1. buy something you park and a big enough truck/SUV to pull it
  2. RV you live in that pulls a little car you get around in
  3. only have one Van (small RV) that you live in and drive everywhere - that's the cheapest, obviously.
financing: I ask my brother to loan me the money. will he do it? he will if it seems like a good plan and the amount isn't too much. what is too much? we haven't talked about it. I need the plan first.

I know people will suggest I try out living in a very small space like this and my thought was I can instead downsize first to living in one room (save money/get out of this apartment) while I'm researching.

y'all know I've had enough mental health issues that I haven't had a normal/decent life for awhile now, right? I struggle with smaller issues so making long term plans is ******* HARD. but, I'm old enough and poor enough I need to do something major and whatever jobs I have I don't seem to tolerate very long. the only thing I know how to do is be a COTA and there are now lots of jobs out there again but they are hard and all places that do not have affordable housing.

I've been answering roommate wanted ads for over a year now and I'm willing to live with other people, but have been pretty picky. now I want to see if I can get my own place. and I want a dog so bad I can't even tell you!

so share your wisdom, folks, and I will join the forum Liz recommended to me the last time I asked about this. what was that again, Liz?

meanwhile, off to work!

ETA: and the whole issue of WHERE to park it is, of course, a huge one. when I first got here I met a PTA who had an RV (2 dogs!!) he pulled with his truck and he said he could park for free if he was creative and willing to move every 10 days or 2 weeks. so that is possible at least in some places and at least around here.
so share your wisdom, folks, and I will join the forum Liz recommended to me the last time I asked about this. what was that again, Liz?
Okay, before doing this, do a budget. See if you can make it work.

when I first got here I met a PTA who had an RV (2 dogs!!) he pulled with his truck and he said he could park for free if he was creative and willing to move every 10 days or 2 weeks. so that is possible at least in some places and at least around here.
Thanks to Covid and a run on RV’s, finding a place to park it is harder than it was two years ago. Not impossible just harder. also depends on what amenities you want.

Check RVTrader for the current prices.
in order of what you listed: Small enough to tow, look at RPods. That group is known as towable.
the one you live in and tow a vehicle behind it: class A, class b, and class C. C would be easiest.
the van is also known as a class b and we found those to cost more than an A or a C.

if you ask specific question, I’ll be glad to answer. DianaCox can also help answer.
thank you, Hilary!

thanks for the info, Liz.

first thing is get a second job. I think I can get one weekends in Hood River, so very stoked about that.

and I'll be reading and learning!

Like Hilary, I really want you to be happy.

•A bit of a caveat...an all-in-one RV-type vehicle will PROBABLY decrease in value over time, maybe even spring a leak or two in addition to all the usual things that happen to motor vehicles over time.
•We had friends who loved their Casita trailer, which sounds a bit like the ones Liz mentioned.
•There’s…like…a “movement” of single women, of all ages, living in vans. Several have blogs and Instagram and other things where they share their knowledge. Like:


Go read/watch ALL OF THEM.
•Can you save up enough—go rent a room—to purchase something VERY small and move up over time?

For a few years, we lived in a senior development. It had an RV Club and an RV parking lot. The parking lot rent was INCREDIBLY cheap. So, a couple hundred seniors who were CONVINCED they were going to retire and travel, park their RVs there and watch them rust. I mean LOTS of unused RVs. Like this:


Maybe you can find a couple of places like that and find one priced fairly low.

But DO go to youtube and read the positives and negatives and especially about toilets and showers and stuff.

And keep us posted.
We discovered yesterday when talking to Progressive that the value of ours has increased this year, almost to the level of what we paid for it.

Yes but…along with the prices of household appliances, flowers, seeds and potted plants (all of which have seen a 10% price increase) and used cars (a 17% increase) it MAY BE pandemic-related and/or a sign of serious inflation coming.

I’ve been reading about people who downsized…house to RV…because (bad news) their jobs evaporated or because (good news) they discovered that they could work from home AND home could be anywhere they wanted to be!

[The other (negative) thing about used RVs—or even mobile homes, which increase in value if in a good park— is that, as with all of us, stuff breaks down over time and our/their desirability decreases. My former co-worker bought a mobile home about ten years ago. I said it would decrease in value. It did not. It INCREASED in value. But the cost of owning it DID increase, because more repairs were needed and space rent in her park is now up to a MINIMUM of $800/mo and goes to a bit over $1200, more than half of what she nets from her pension. And, of course, it costs MrSue a relative fortune to keep me running. I’ve pretty much moved into the “what can we buy that only requires reheating before we call it a meal” and “the housekeepers can change the sheets” category.]
the value of ours has increased this year, almost to the level of what we paid for it.
that's great, Liz, but I am surprised. is there just so much demand for them?
I know "manufactured housing" isn't supposed to be going up in value but it sure has been here. there is NO affordable housing to be had and when something comes on the market you can't get it by meeting the asking price, they are all going for more.

Just started reading Nomadland. I think you should read it. I think it is a series/movie maybe on Amazon? Look. You will find it.
it's on Hulu, which I don't have right now, but I'll keep it in mind, thank you for the suggestion!

oh, it's a BOOK first! looks very sad, actually, I think I listened to an interview with the author, I remember when I looked at the book reviews. Amazon is one of the employers really taking advantage of these people.
dystopian America, for sure.
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thanks for all the advice and the link, Sue.
living in even just a van has been a big movement for awhile for lots of people, mostly because there are so few options for living affordably but sometimes for adventure.
•Can you save up enough—go rent a room—to purchase something VERY small and move up over time?
that's one of the possible plans. I've been answering roommate wanted ads off and on for a long time now and prices for that are going up as well.

I'm pretty sure I am getting a second job so will get some hours on a weekend and that will help for when my main job is slow so I'm glad about that.

I have a preference for having a camper you pull with a truck/SUV rather than an all in one and tentatively want to start with the truck as I have good credit and can maybe get 0% financing? I did that with the old corolla I have now which would be worth something (low miles, one owner) if it didn't have body damage and now only the driver's electric window works, none of the other ones do.

it costs MrSue a relative fortune to keep me running. I’ve pretty much moved into the “what can we buy that only requires reheating before we call it a meal” and “the housekeepers can change the sheets” category


when I win the lottery I'm going to travel around and meet all the cool people I've only known on the internet.

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