There is simply nothing I can add to this

That show is horrible, no doubt, but I get really turned off with quotes like these:

People chastise Bill Cosby for allegedly offering meds to women, but it’s acceptable to do to fat people to make them lose weight. I feel like we got raped, too.”

Lady, Cosby did not "offer" meds to women. And nobody made you go on that show or tied you down and shoved pills down your throat.

Can we please top with the comparisons to rape, Hitler, etc?
@Marquis Mark I agree. When people throw around words like rape or Holocaust, it lessens the true horror of these acts. I posted the article not because I support every quote from the unfortunate participants, but because of what it does say about the show itself and the harm it does. Rape - no. Genuine damage - yes.
@Marquis Mark I agree. When people throw around words like rape or Holocaust, it lessens the true horror of these acts. I posted the article not because I support every quote from the unfortunate participants, but because of what it does say about the show itself and the harm it does. Rape - no. Genuine damage - yes.

Oh, for sure. I knew you weren't posting it for that. And I agree that shows like that are just out to make money and couldn't care less about the participants. The more dramatic, the higher the ratings. Simple as that.

I was on a game show once. Nothing like that, of course, but they definitely encouraged us to make snarky comments about the other competitors. I knew they couldn't force me so I didn't. And I won $3,000. So F 'em!

It's just that the woman making the charge blows her credibility (and sympathy with me) when she makes ridiculous stabs at upping her victimization status like that.
Yes, nobody made them go on the show and shoved pills down their throats. However, I do have mixed feelings about the contestants. I was never "fat shamed" despite my SMO status. However, I have been shamed for other aspects. The guilt was overwhelming once I bought into it. I might have tried anything to change that part of me. IF they were truly victims of the show's methods, they do not deserve to be blamed for being so desperate and gullible to what might have first seemed like a miracle. However, if they were just attention whores who thought being on TV would solve not only their weight problem but also give them fame, I am less sympathetic. I have never understood the mad desire to be on TV, yet with all the so-called reality shows, there seems to be no limit of people who do want that.

Other wise, I agree completely with the overuse of false comparisons to rape, Hitler, etc. When those horrid events are trivialized, it does no one any good.
When you don't know what causes obesity, you promote "treatments" that might work initially. To increase the appearance of success, you use tricks to make it look better than it is. Our knowledge of the causes of obesity is so limited that forcing someone into an ultimately useless, humiliating, ineffective program is malpractice. If you can't prove you are selling a long-term successful treatment for obesity, you are torturing people for absolutely no reason and it is criminal. Not just stupid but criminal. A lawsuit is indicated because there is more than enough evidence that diet and exercise over the long term in the morbidly obese is ineffective. It is not my fault, it is not their fault, it is a disease. I have been desperate for a treatment and spent years of my life and thousands of dollars on experts who told me they had the solution. It is malpractice at least, criminal fraud probably to sell a diet or exercise treatment for morbid obesity They knew what they were selling didn't work over the long term, and they sold it to me. That is a crime. What biggest loser is doing is a crime, a fraud, and abuse posing as entertainment. No person is responsible for morbid obesity, and diet and exercise is a treatment the FDA would not approve because it doesn't meet the minimum criteria for efficacy. Bring in the lawyers. Fraud should not be tolerated.

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