Recovery differences between VSG and DS?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2014
Mandeville, LA
How will the recovery for DS be different than from the VSG?
Both lap surgeries. I've also had lap hysterectomy.
I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect...will it be similar to other abdominal lap surgeries I've had?
Virgin DS'er (lap) but had previous surgeries...had an open hysterectomy 20 years ago.
I was pretty much out for the count for the first focus was hydration, walking up and down a hall, and resting. I WAS able to sleep in my own bed as soon as I got home...many need a recliner. My recliner is where I napped. I didn't go anywhere that week.
I had a DS and my sister had a VSG and our recoveries were VERY different. I was still at a point of almost fainting just from taking a shower at 6 weeks out. She was walking around the mall a week after surgery. The thing is, we were also at very different physical abilities before surgery- I was pretty much disabled, and she does Zumba and step classes. Plus I had more than 100 pounds on her. All I know is that I did not expect my recovery to take as long as it did!
VSG is like getting a severe hairstyle change, including cutting off a lot of hair.

DS is like shaving your head and having brain surgery to rearrange what's in your skull.
@Spiky Bugger is that why you wear that scarf all the time?

Recovery is variable. My biggest problem was exhaustion, which persisted for several weeks though gradually improving. Other people bounce back much more quickly than I did. The important thing is to remember that you are doing this for the long haul, and the recovery will be part of your past in a few weeks. Recovery was not fun but it was more than worth it.
I can tell you even with two people that had VSG the recovery can be very different. there was a woman I traveled back from Mexico with because we both had a VSG the same day and lived in the same area. she was in a lot more pain than I was.

for what that's worth!
The VSG was very easy for me. I had the surgery on a Wednesday, went home on Thursday and went back to work on Tuesday. I worked half days that week...I was pretty tired but back to regular hours after that. I had zero complications. It was pretty textbook. Of course, I'm HOPING for a similar outcome. I'm 90 lbs lighter than I was then, probably not in much better shape than I was then. I am having a radio frequency ablation procedure on my facet joints at L4-L5 Friday so hopefully I can get some walking in after that leading up to my surgery. I ordered the VL Prepackaged DS regimen and I'm going to start taking that as soon as they arrive, plus I ordered some extra D and some preferrin to start working on getting my D level up and my ferritin up. I have an appt with my primary doc tomorrow so I'm going to talk to her about the surgery and B-12 shots and iron infusion. She was very supportive of the VSG...I hope she will be equally supportive of this.

Thanks to all of you for your replies!

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