please help asap

If you want peanut butter from a spoon, eat peanut butter from a spoon! That falls into pureed IMO! I was in the hospital for 8 days, but my nausea on the way home and the first few days home was a killer! I was not prescribed anything, but I bought every acid reducer on the market until I found one that worked the first couple of days. And my go to 'food' was sherbert. It cooled, soothed, and hydrated. Now, it's sugar, but those first couple of days home I just didn't give a shit . . . I needed something to get over that hump!
Sounds like intensive buyer's remorse. I sure had it.

About protein; we're all different. I didn't get 50 grams/day in until I was about 6 mos. out. And that includes drinking a shake every day (which I had to do everyday for the first 2 years to get enough protein in). Now I eat a ton.
Once the nausea stops - and it will - you will feel 1000% better. Mine went away on day 31, when I attempted my first restaurant meal, at a Japanese restaurant, and I nibbled on a little pickled ginger - damned if it didn't just abort the nausea and suddenly things went down a lot easier. And by the way, one symptom of dehydration is nausea, which is really counterproductive when it makes it even more difficult to drink. If you aren't on a PPI, get one - and if the first one doesn't work, try another. Nexium doesn't do anything for me, but Aciphex and Protonix do.
@katsmeow07 , LISTEN TO US honey. Your brains are scrambled from the trauma and the many, many drugs you've had these past few days. Anesthesia ALWAYS makes me bonkers, and I don't mean just a little bit fuzzy, I mean a variety of psych troubles.

You do NOT need 100 grams of protein. You might or might not be hungry, but it Does. Not. Matter. You are not yet able to eat, so quit trying.

You MUST HYDRATE. That's all. NOTHING else matters. Get your fluids of choice in front of you. Get out a tablespoon. Drink one tablespoon. Wait one minute. Do it again. Keep it up.

At this rate, it takes about 6.5 hours to ingest 64 oz. of fluids by mouth. Don't tell me you "can't" do this, because if you really are too nauseated to drink that much in 24 hours, you belong back on an IV for fluids.

It's going to get better. Now measure your intake and if you can't get that much down and KEEP IT DOWN, get your butt to the ER and get fluids. You'll feel tons better.

NOTHING ELSE matters. Not food, not protein, not supplements. NOTHING. Just fluids. And DO NOT GET ON THE SCALE.
Your body has protein and vitamin stores that you can call upon for the first few weeks. Just stay hydrated with whatever liquid seems to work for you. try different liquids, try different temperatures. Use the liquid part of soups that contain other stuff if they taste better than plain broth to you and just don't eat the non-liquid stuff.
It's a huge surgery with profound metabolic changes. You are allowed to feel like crap for awhile. But soon you'll be feeling better day by day, and then when the benefits start kicking in you'll wonder why you ever questioned your decision.
Thanks all, again! One more question. Is it normal to have this like Gas bubble pain after sipping? And I burp a lot when sipping. It's like right in the middle of my chest but goes away rather quickly
All I can say is hang in there - it will get so much better next week. The first "real foods" I could tolerate were mashed potatoes and tomato soup. My early drinks were gatorade, crystal lite, and apple juice. I echo the sentiments already expressed about 30-60-90 for protein and really only worrying now about comfort, hydration and getting some movement. Wishing you all the best!
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Right now I'm liking diet cranberry juice and my costco shake. I went on worly according to eggface and found some puree recipes that sound more appealing than the meatloaf from hell the hospital served me, lol
Right now I'm liking diet cranberry juice and my costco shake. I went on worly according to eggface and found some puree recipes that sound more appealing than the meatloaf from hell the hospital served me, lol
That's good, but...if you have to choose between getting in a little more protein and getting in more water...go for the water. After my LapBand, I poured water into a shot glass with the goal of getting down two tablespoons of water every 15 minutes.

Focus on whatever fluids you like.
cold things made me nauseous (don't remember for how long) and hot things hurt so, for the first couple of weeks, I lived on:

apple sauce --> I had to take it out of the refrigerator about an hour ahead of time to get the right temperature

hard boiled egg (from the counter not the fridge) mushed up w/mayo --> let sit for a bit for the mayo to warm

refried beans, heated and allowed to cool

and lots and lots tepid water, plain or with a squirt of flavor. toss and start over if that flavor isn't good that day.
I set a 5 minute timer to make sure I took a sip at least that often all day long from awake to asleep.

it WILL get better...
@katsmeow07 : This thread is an example of why we are harping about hydration. You appear to have either gotten shitty advice or to have misunderstood the advice you were given.

Again: How many ounces of fluids have you consumed today?
@katsmeow07 , early out I had not yet found ANY on line support. The bariatric nurse sent me home with two bottles of Isopure Grape Frost ready to drink. I existed on that and the other liquid protein packets my surgeon's office sold me. I stayed hydrated, which is the ONLY thing you should be doing this early out.

It gets better. But STAY HYDRATED. And if you need to, go to the ER and have them give you an IV of fluids. Do NOT hesitate to go to the ER. That's what it's for.

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