last year's weight loss "miracles"


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2013
Happy New Year, everyone!

Every year, the diet industry coughs up a bunch or new and/or retread products to help you lighten your wallet, if nothing else. don't worry if you missed out on last year's because there will surely be plenty more miracle products this year.

Here are a few semi-random 2014 products and ads masquerading as headlines that I collected over the last year:

slim spray
Garcinia cambogia
magic fat burner
5 veggies that kill stomach fat
best fat burner
Yacon syrup
premium pure Forskolin doctor discovers diet pill breakthrough
Oprah 2 breakthrough diet products
metabo anything
lipo anything
Dr. Oz's newest fat burner

I don't even know what most of these products are. I don't read the ads associated with the attention grabbing headlines. And I'm sure there were lots more pills, liquids, books, endorsements, and phony endorsements (I doubt Oprah and Dr. Oz had anything to do with those headlines).

Most of the people here either have had or are at least considering bariatric surgery. But it's fine if you aren't. The overwhelming majority of people who medically qualify for bariatric surgery don't have it, for a whole host of reasons. And many, perhaps most, of the people who purchase these dubious products aren't heavy or sick enough to qualify for bariatric surgery. All I'm saying is, don't waste your hard earned money on these and similar products, which will soon fade from memory as the shiny new 2015 products are marketed this month. It's a more than a billion dollar industry. If any, ANY of these products actually worked we would all be slim and the obesity epidemic would be over. They don't. If you aren't having surgery and you are happy as you are, so be it. If you are not ready for surgery for whatever reason, try something sane and rational and healthy and I hope that works for you, and if not, maybe you will consider surgery at some future date. Save your money for surgery, or for plastics, or your children's college fund. Don't donate your money to the diet industry.
I have tried several of those listed and IF I lost any weight it came right back on, usually plus more. It is all financially motivated, IMHO, to the company instead of the consumer. The diet industry makes millions off people who really need help to lose the weight. But, once again IMHO, if they actually helped the consumer, then the consumer would not need them anymore. So it is in their best interest financially that we don't lose the weight. Maybe I have gotten cynical with the entire industry. I even tried some pea protein powder that was supposed to help suppress your appetite. Despite claims it tasted great, it tasted like green chalk and after two attempts of "drinking" it, I felt gross.

I am sure there are some products that work ... But I have yet to find any for me that work. But I still hope ... and I still try ...
@Persephone2015 that's exactly what they are hoping for, the hope springs eternal feeling, the need to keep trying, and that there is a never ending supply of new and repeat customers. When the gloss fades from one product they just come up with another. It never ends, and of course it's financially motivated. It's a business, an industry, and a very profitable industry at that. I know that won't change just because of my tiny bit of input, but hopefully someone will read this and save a few bucks.
Yes @JackieOnLine that's what the ad said. I don't know what the product is, my best guess is that you spray it in your mouth instead of eating. I guess it's supposed to substitute for a snack or some such thing. But truth is, since I didn't read the ad, I really don't know. These companies will sell anything that people are willing to pay for. And it makes more sense than some products from previous years that you rubbed on your body that were supposed to make you lose weight or lose cellulite. Though, that isn't saying much.

and @Persephone2015 that stuff you drank sounds disgusting. Maybe it's supposed to work by putting you off your feed.
Remember this from last year??
Article Citation:

Paul N. Chugay and Nikolas V. Chugay (2014) Weight Loss Tongue Patch: An Alternative Nonsurgical Method to Aid in Weight Loss in Obese Patients. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery: March 2014, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 26-33.


Weight Loss Tongue Patch: An Alternative Nonsurgical Method to Aid in Weight Loss in Obese Patients

Paul N.Chugay , MD; Nikolas V.Chugay , DO

Introduction: Despite efforts on the part of patients, some are not able to achieve significant weight loss because of poor compliance with balanced diets and exercise programs. The tongue patch is a means of ensuring that the patient abides by a strict low-calorie diet plan to achieve maximal weight loss, while engaging in a moderate exercise regimen.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on patients who underwent the tongue patch procedure from 2009 to 2013. All patients had a piece of marlex mesh affixed to the tongue using prolene sutures. At the 30-day mark, each patient's weight was recorded. Data were then tabulated. Complications were also identified from the patient charts and analyzed.

Results: A total of 81 patients received the tongue patch. Mean weight loss was 7.26 kg (16.0 lb; range = 0–16.8 kg/0–37 lb). The total weight lost by all participants was 501 kg (1104.5 lb). The average starting body mass index was 32.4 kg/m2 (range = 24.3–45.3 kg/m2) and average change in body mass index was 2.9 kg/m2 (range = 0–5.1 kg/m2). No serious complications were noted.

Conclusions: While maintaining a strict low-calorie diet plan and adhering to a regular exercise regimen, patients using a tongue patch can achieve significant weight loss over a 30-day period with relatively minimal procedural risk.

Received: June 26, 2013

From Chugay Cosmetic Surgery Institute, Long Beach, Calif.

Corresponding author: Paul N. Chugay, MD, Chugay Cosmetic Surgery Institute, 4210 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807 (e-mail: [email protected]).

@DianaCox I don't remember this one, and I don't think I could have forgotten something so barbaric. I do remember the old days when people would have their jaws wired shut for a few months. Even that didn't work as well as you might think because they pureed whatever they wanted to eat. (Pureed pizza - yum!) I am appalled that doctors would do something like this, and not surprised that longterm results are either unknown of not reported. Just what do you think is going to happen when the mesh is removed? Probably exactly what happens when a lap band is unfilled. The patient's weight goes right back up once they can eat normally would be my guess.

What I had in mind here is the kind of stuff we see advertised on TV and in other media all the time, over and over, and can purchase at drug stores, health product stores, grocery stores, etc. We could certainly discuss medical and pseudo-medical procedures and prescription products but it takes a lot more effort (and more $$$) to get those. The bulk of the diet industry is stuff that is easily obtained and cheap enough that people will throw it into their carts, either in the store or on line, and the profits come from volume of sales.

We could certainly also discuss weight loss books (same principle), or the new miracle exercise programs that come out each year, only to be abandoned for the following years books and exercise programs, various exercise machines that are supposed to create nearly effortless weight loss (just 20 minutes 3 times per week!) or tone our abs or gluts and give us those bikini ready bodies, various cooking devices that "cut the fat", and probably a host of other types of products that aren't coming to mind just now. It takes a whole lot of different products to add up to a billion dollar industry.
UGGGH! Have to say, I hate these people preying on the fat folks to make a dishonest living.

Add to your list, all those 'Stack' products!
I have tried several of those listed and IF I lost any weight it came right back on, usually plus more. It is all financially motivated, IMHO, to the company instead of the consumer. The diet industry makes millions off people who really need help to lose the weight. But, once again IMHO, if they actually helped the consumer, then the consumer would not need them anymore. So it is in their best interest financially that we don't lose the weight. Maybe I have gotten cynical with the entire industry. I even tried some pea protein powder that was supposed to help suppress your appetite. Despite claims it tasted great, it tasted like green chalk and after two attempts of "drinking" it, I felt gross.

I am sure there are some products that work ... But I have yet to find any for me that work. But I still hope ... and I still try ...

Please stop throwing your money away. The only lasting obesity treatment is surgery.
I found my weight loss "miracle"! It was Duodenal Switch surgery! It wasn't easy, and I have a way to go still, but I have never lost this much weight in my life before, and this time I know I will be able to keep most of it off, at least.

Almost all diets/weight loss products "work" to some degree, if losing some weight is the only goal. If you actually want to lose a substantial amount of weight, and/or keep the weight off, it is a very different story.

As for the tongue patch mentioned, I saw a program about it several months ago, and concluded that it was something invented by people who consider obesity a self-inflicted disease, bordering on criminal and deserving of punishment, even torture. Because surely that is what the tongue patch is? If it wasn't voluntary, it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment, IMO.
@Parousia that's why I said "miracles" with quotes. The results of the DS are neigh unto miraculous and, IMHO, this operation is not part of the billion dollar diet industry. Don't get me started about lap band, though. I'm talking about the new and retread products that come out every new year for people to waste their money on. Whatever money you spent on your DS, even if you were self-pay, it wasn't wasted.
I think you have the right idea about the tongue patch. There are too many people, including some medical people, who understand how desparate people are to lose weight and how some people will try anything, even subjecting themselves to such a procedure, and other products and procedures that put their health at risk - often with no lasting benefit. It dates back at least to the 1950's when doctors prescribed amphetamines for weight loss - they worked, but killed some people. There have been so many products since them, fortunately most of them not so harmful, but no more effective. Yet we keep trying...and trying...and trying..and those who create and sell these products are counting on that.
@more2adore I could never hate you! And spelling is not my strength, though I do try to correct my mistakes. I hope this one at least got you a good laugh. I knew I didn't know how to spell that but was too lazy to look it up.
I could probably throw in a bunch of equine related puns here, but I will restrain myself.
I also don't correct grammar and spelling of others either on line or in person. Esp on line, you often don't really know the person and some people are easily offended even when no offense is intended. But I'm a tough cookie and you are free to correct my spelling whenever you want.

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