I NEED HELP - Peer2Peer Denied

1) When I respond to people's posts, I am usually aiming my comments not only at the OP, but also at the wider audience of people who are lurking/reading the post - so my responses are not only directed to YOU. You aren't the center of my universe, even when I'm responding to you. My response was a GENERAL admonition to people who vague-post like you did, that they will NOT get the answers they want if they post like you did.

2) Are you seriously that full of yourself? "I'm high profile" - really? I clicked on the link to what appears to be your "real" name - and I still have no clue who the fuck you are (or think you are). How is your interest in a revision of your failed RNY going to result in unwanted publicity?- can you explain who in the biz would even care? And how they would tie your screen name here to you in the first place? Puh-leeze.

3) Apparently, you have been schooled by a few folks on Keshishian's board, where you then decided to delete the thread. I guess you realized what a mistake you made.

4) "Want to start again?" Are you fucking kidding me?? If you want to get MY HELP - which together with Larra, I provide FOR FREE to people struggling to get insurance approval for the DS, in particular in CA - I think YOU need to do some backtracking and apologizing first. Or you can just pay for an attorney (who I guarantee won't know as much as we do about how to prosecute such appeals) like your fellow high and mighty "high profile" peeps do. Instead of coming here and demanding assistance like some kind of entitled princess.

Waiting for your response with bated breath.
At this point, I know almost nothing about you, other than that you have a denial, are apparently not doing well with your gastric bypass, and you need help. Diana and I have helped many people with appeals. There are never any guarantees, esp with revisions. It is far, far harder to get insurance coverage for revisions than for a virgin bariatric operation. But that ship has sailed and we must deal with your present reality.

So, if you are willling to work with us privately, and open to listening to our advice, Diana and I are willing to work with you. Yes, I checked with her. Be advised that you will need to be very open with us about your present situation, medical history and such, because there is no way we can make a strong case for the medical necessity for a revision without knowing quite a bit about you. But we do keep confidential information confidential. Also be advised that we aren't into attitude and/or drama. No, we don't expect you to grovel or express undying gratitude, just approach us as equals, even though we aren't industry bigwigs. And a touch of humity wouldn't hurt.

So send one or both of us a pm and let's get started.

if you are willing to work with us privately, and open to listening to our advice, Diana and I are willing to work with you. Yes, I checked with her.

classy, good on ya both
1) When I respond to people's posts, I am usually aiming my comments not only at the OP, but also at the wider audience of people who are lurking/reading the post - so my responses are not only directed to YOU. You aren't the center of my universe, even when I'm responding to you. My response was a GENERAL admonition to people who vague-post like you did, that they will NOT get the answers they want if they post like you did.

2) Are you seriously that full of yourself? "I'm high profile" - really? I clicked on the link to what appears to be your "real" name - and I still have no clue who the fuck you are (or think you are). How is your interest in a revision of your failed RNY going to result in unwanted publicity?- can you explain who in the biz would even care? And how they would tie your screen name here to you in the first place? Puh-leeze.

3) Apparently, you have been schooled by a few folks on Keshishian's board, where you then decided to delete the thread. I guess you realized what a mistake you made.

4) "Want to start again?" Are you fucking kidding me?? If you want to get MY HELP - which together with Larra, I provide FOR FREE to people struggling to get insurance approval for the DS, in particular in CA - I think YOU need to do some backtracking and apologizing first. Or you can just pay for an attorney (who I guarantee won't know as much as we do about how to prosecute such appeals) like your fellow high and mighty "high profile" peeps do. Instead of coming here and demanding assistance like some kind of entitled princess.

Waiting for your response with bated breath.
just leave her to Tami from MN and Sharyl. They'll kiss her high profile ass and so she will be happy to pay them for thei layperson "coaching," I'm sure.
Just for the record - I went back and looked up her posting history - she was SPECIFICALLY requested by Larra to contact us (Larra and me) and provide us with specific background information, which she could have done rather than just demand help and expect us to look up her previous posts or beg her to say more. Her uber-sensitive response to my (snarkily) pointing out how unanswerable her request for help was, was inappropriate. Nevertheless, I hope she will come back and avail herself of the help that was offered - because she clearly needs it - Anthem BC/BC are jerks about requiring BMI > 50 no matter how many times they lose at the DMHC.

  1. McQueenBNew Member
    Hello! Had RNY (gastric bypass) in 02....Let's just say it was never quite right. I didn't lose enough even though I ate well and have always exercised. I can't eat most foods and feel like at some point I will need to eat baby food! I have the whole gerd thing going....Anyway, Anthem BC/BS just declined my surgery with Dr. K. I'm waiting for the official letter from insurance. Neither his office nor I have received it yet. I was told BMI was too low and gerd wasn't enough. I look forward to your thoughts on moving forward in this process. Failure (not having the surgery) is not an option.

    BTW, I am 55, married, no kids, lots of dogs and work in the entertainment business in Hollyweird.
    McQueenB, Jul 30, 2014Report
    #429Like+ QuoteReply
    jillc likes this.

  2. southernladyAdministratorStaff Member
    Welcome, @@McQueenB!

    Tagging @@DianaCox and @@Larra who might be able to help you.
    MajorMom is my angel.
    southernlady, Jul 30, 2014Report
    #430Like+ QuoteReply

  3. JackieOnLineModeratorStaff Member
    Hello McQueenB


    Karen Lamb
    JackieOnLine, Jul 30, 2014Report
    #431Like+ QuoteReply

  4. McQueenBNew Member
    Thank you sooo much @@southernlady. I will take all the guidance I can get and I PROMISE (words I take very seriously) to do what I can for others.:)
    McQueenB, Jul 30, 2014Report
    #432Like+ QuoteReply

  5. LarraWell-Known Member
    Hi McQueenB and welcome!

    When you get that denial letter, let me and esp let DianaCox know. We can't promise that we can help you but we can at least review the denial as well as your EOC (Evidence of Coverage) and see what's what.
    So while you're waiting for that letter to arrive, get your EOC - the whole thing, which is many pages. You are entitled to have this, either from your insurer or from your employer. This will help us to sort out the nature of your coverage, whether or not an exclusion is the problem, etc. There is no way to know where you stand as far as any available appeals goes without this document.

    Larra, Jul 30, 2014Report
    #433Like+ QuoteReply

  6. TerriWell-Known Member
    Welcome @@McQueenB! I was wondering what your BMI is.
    Terri, Jul 30, 2014Report
    #434Like+ QuoteReply

    1. McQueenBNew Member

      Welcome @@McQueenB! I was wondering what your BMI is.
      Candidly, I'm not sure but I believe it's 41.
      McQueenB, Aug 3, 2014Report
      #445Like+ QuoteReply
yup. Couldn't be bothered to follow directions but had plenty of time to go cause a shitstorm in an unrelated group. But we are the meanies and the crazies.

a professional coach /counselor would be ethically justified in dismissing a paying client who behaved like that. Why are volunteers expected to put up with that shit?
To the OP @McQueenB:

Perhaps you did not read the TOU when you signed up, as you were asked to do. To make it easier on you, here are the most important rules - the entire page can be found here: http://bariatricfacts.org/help/terms:

Terms of Use

1. Don't be an asshat.

2. If you have to be an asshat, take it to Rants &Raves also known as R&R. If not a member of R&R yet, take it to The Lounge. If you file a complaint to a staff member about what is in R&R, you will be removed from access from R&R for a period to be determined by the staff.

3. Yeah, #2 is actually a better rule because we all like a good verbal slap-fest sometimes. So, okay, be an asshat, just keep your asshat comments in R&R/The Lounge.

4. If you are unable to recognize the fact that you are being an asshat, a moderator will be assigned to you. If you don't like your moderator, tell them that in R&R/The Lounge where you can in fact tell them that they are an even bigger asshat. See how well that works?

5. Don't try to find out private stuff about other posters. Also do not POST private stuff about another poster unless they post it first. For cripe’s sake, we regularly talk about bowel movements and our sex lives, how frigging much more personal do you need to get?

6. In case reading about someone else's bowel movements and sex lives is making your naughty bits all tingly and you begin to think that you might like to get to know a poster IRL, fuggitaboudit! That is way too creepy and stalker-y. There are other forums who would welcome you with open arms or maybe whips and chains, whatev, but keep that crap off this board.

7. If you want to share something that was posted on another site just to make fun of them, you must get eleven other people who all have the same initials, avatar or starting weight as you to agree that a dumbass shaming is in order before you can link to said dumbass comment. Don't trying linking this stuff without general agreement or there will be people waiting for you in R&R after gym class.

8. Don't ask for advice and then tell the responders that they are being mean to you when they tell you that you are being dumb about whatever you are doing, are planning to do, or heaven forbid, have already done. Suck it up, Buttercup. Stop being a big girl's blouse and take the advice that was offered - or ignore it - and move on. It gets way too complicated when the person asking for advice starts critiquing the posters who are trying to help. It becomes a way inbred circle jerk when poster A asks for help and poster B responds asking if you have lost your damn mind and Poster 3 yells at poster B for being a doody-head and then posters D through Zed chime in. Ask questions, choose the answer that works for you, or move on. Easy Peasy.

9. Don't be a forum nanny. Everyone will hate you. No really, they will hate you because you come across as an impotent whiny little bitch. If you don't like it here - move on.

10. Don't pretend to have cancer to scam people. That shite is against the law.

11. Don't send money to someone on line who tells you they have cancer - they are lying and you are being stupid with your money. Give us your money and we will send it to the Ethiopian Princess who keeps emailing us about her father the King's millions.

12. Post interesting, helpful, vetted stuff. Don't post bullshit. It won't fly if you start saying things like all DSers stink. You'll find yourself in R&R faster than you can say dumbass.

13. Don't be a cheapass. There are professionals who hang out here for shits and giggles and support. Quit trying to score a free house call. Spend a dime and call your own doctor. If the pros are here, they are off duty so knock that shit off.

14. Don't assume, and then act on the assumption, that every negative post by someone you don't like, or who you think doesn’t like you, is actually ABOUT you. That other poster may be "fortunate" enough to have encountered more than one liar/con artist/grifter/sociopath/ingrate/person unable to follow directions/etc. in his/her life, and may be writing about the other person this time. If you were not named, it just might not be about you. But if the shoe fits – ask yourself why.

15. Angel reports...just post that everything is okay. Once the person can post for themselves, they can share details.

16. Fifteen rules is enough for any thinking adult. If you need more guidelines than this, perhaps you shouldn't be considering WLS in the first place.
I don't know what she was thinking. The part that made me think was she said she well respected in her profession. THAT'S great but what the hell does THAT have to do with WLS. Then take some of your well known money and hire someone to help you figure out WLS information.

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