I have a VSG and I never counted carbs!


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
I have Binge Eating Disorder and since my 20s (now 52) I have read and attempted to follow the advice of Geneen Roth. it kind of boils down to wait until you are hungry to eat and stop when you aren't hungry any more and NOTHING is off limits. because of this, I believe, I was a light weight when I finally had WLS and had "only" 100 pounds to lose.

I kept that vision of eating in a normal, non obsessive way and while I did count protein at first just to see what that was like - and I continue in maintenance to be aware of protein - I search for what is healthy for me in both food and behavior.

I am not typical of this forum in that I do not believe I have to eat only a certain number of carbs but for the first, I don't know, 6 months at least I was super low carb just because I couldn't fit IN very much at all. very tight sleeve and much more restriction than I think is typical.

also, the counting (carbs, calories) that most people do is bad for me, in that it triggers my unhealthy habits: as in OMG, I can't have a donut...therefore all I can think about is having a freakin donut!!!

if I honestly let myself have EVERYTHING and ANYTHING *(and this isn't nearly as simple as it sounds) then I mostly don't want a donut. seriously!

ETA: this is a cross post from something I wrote elsewhere - I think the atypical-ness of it is important for others to hear about. VSG eating - no ONE approach for everyone!

*and take care of myself like an adult - also not simple or obvious
I get where you're coming from as I did Weigh Down Workshop and the concept is pretty similar. Eating that way isn't easy though and I respect you for this.

For me, as a DSer I know there's a minimum protein number I have to shoot for. If I didn't track protein I bet I'd be eating 60g of protein a day and I'd be thinking that I was getting in plenty of protein!! :D
I hear you, and it isn't like I don't pay attention to what I am eating.

but this is something I posted on another VSG forum as an alternative to the typical "program" - very low calories and carb and strictly counting and they pretty much expect to do that forever, near as I can tell. I mean if you are still doing it 5 years out.

anyway, I posted it here, too. :cool:
I have to track things or I go into carbamnesia. I've been in outpatient treatment twice for BED....one time was good. One on one and following a simple book. The second time I put on so much weight as it was a group meeting and super triggering for me.

The sleeve was a revelation for me....I could eat normal (anything) but within a normalish portion. I could still binge of course but it was far less frequent and made me feel hopeful...and a binge was 3 donuts, not 12. Progress, lol.

I have to track. Thankfully I have done a lot of headwork so that the numbers do not define me and are only there as a factual record. :)

We all have our own path to walk and it's good you put this up as you don't know who will read it and who it might help :)
I don't count carbs on "paper" but after almost a decade of having to be aware of how many carbs I ingested because I had to figure my insulin use for them, it's just a habit.

However, even being aware of them for insulin dosing, if I wanted something, I adjusted for it. Kept me from seeing ANY food as "off limits". If I want that donut, I had it...while adjusting my insulin.

Now, I just keep a running daily total and if I want something, I don't ask myself "will it put me over my total"...what I DO ask is it worth the possible consequences I may have such as bloat or gas OR BOTH. Most of the time, I really do NOT want it, so staying within my daily goal is easy..It helps that I tend to start my day almost carb free and work my way into it.

We all have our own way of handling this. What I try to do is not see any food as bad...but as a food of "do you really need to eat that?"
yes, exactly, lots of different paths.

for some reason the donut I don't have out of fear of losing control and (pre-sleeve) eating 10 or (post-sleeve) just have 2 or 3 but then having them every day for years

is much different than the donut I don't have if I RELAX and let myself know I really really really can have it and then I decide I don't want to.

so - and this is easy to mock, I know! - when I have a donut I try to do it mindfully and out in the open with out shame and enjoy it!

what BED book, Roo?
This one. It's a step by step approach and it got me into a routine and did help. I have had many relapses, but each time I have learned from it somehow. Things are sooooo much better than they used to be. The psychotic part of a true blue eating disorder is no joke, for either side of the coin.

Apologies for bumping such an old thread, but thanks for posting this one, @JackieOnLine . Seems like you and I and @DuodenalSwitchaRoo all are going to have quite a few things in common. BED and a VSG. :) Heh. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to eat post-VSG (I mean AFTER all the healing/liquid/soft foods phases are done). I have been panicking a little, as one of the main reasons I wanted the DS instead of the VSG is because counting calories is THE biggest trigger for my BED. I am hoping I will be able to focus on counting carbs (though I know you don't do that, Jackie) and protein and sort of ignore that calorie component. And fat. Do I have to count fat, too? Trying to wrap my brain around doing this!
Roo will have better info, I think, but I would say while you are immediately post op you just track WATER and after that the next thing you track is PROTEIN.
how the rest of it works for you might be some trial and error but I am guessing you don't need to count calories but some people need to measure portions. I never had to do that but some do.

fat - although I never did "low fat" the amounts I was able to eat were initially tiny and now...well, it varies.

I have been panicking a little
worry, anxiety - these are things you are going to have to learn to deal with. as do we all! do you have a plan for this?
Pre-op, I had to log my food for a month (unfortunately for a surgeon I was unable to use due to insurance...they approved the surgery, not the surgeon), BUT it was eyeopening. I never counted calories, I always counted carbs and THAT was all I counted. And the reason I was anal about counting carsb was my insulin pump. When I did log that entire month, my highest amount of calories was 1300, lowest was around 1000. I STILL gained weight that month, 3 lbs. My husband also logged his food...actually ate MORE carbs than I did but essentially the same food and amount and lost 5 lbs that month.

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