GRAPHIC PICTURE WARNING: View at your own discretion

I think I've lived in western WA too long. I see a hole like that and immediately think of huge gauged piercings. Apparently there is somewhere on the body that doesn't need giant piercings.

I know I'm gross, but that picture is pretty cool.
I think I've lived in western WA too long. I see a hole like that and immediately think of huge gauged piercings. Apparently there is somewhere on the body that doesn't need giant piercings.

I know I'm gross, but that picture is pretty cool.
Haha and when I first saw those pics after waking up from surgery I thought they were super cool as well.
I love stuff like that. I really should have become a doctor but as grumpy as I am at times, perhaps it's for the best. I'd have no patience with my patients LOL