Feeling Weak


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
I am 8 months out from surgery and I still feel weak. I haven't started exercising yet because I just don't feel up to it. I feel like my strength has decreased since surgery. At first, I thought it was just because I had the procedure open so all the muscles have been cut but it has been months and I still can't lift like I used to. Do you guys think it's from muscle loss? Should I increase my protein? Or is it normal to feel weaker for awhile after surgery?
How much protein are you eating? You should be starting to feel stronger by now but the surgery does zap a person and losing a great deal of weight quickly does put a lot of stress on the body. At 8 months out I think targeting between 100-150 grams of protein makes sense. Upping protein and getting some muscle building exercise in might help you but you just have to play that by ear and start slowly on the strength building.
Huh? My surgery was open too and my recovery was much different. I started walking a mile on day 6 and was up to 5 miles by 6 weeks post. Did I feel up to doing it? No. But I knew I had to. Believe me, I was moving slow!

If it's been 8 months since surgery and you have been inactive, of course you have lost muscle. And inactivity makes you want to be inactive. Start where you need to start and change it. If you need to, google chair exercises and do them a couple times a day. Put some 2lb weights by your TV watching chair and if you watch TV, the weights have to be in your hands. Start taking the stairs and park as far away from your destination as possible. Get a fitbit and do your steps every day. Do what you can do to get more active.

For the first several weeks you will have to force yourself. Then it gets easier! Next you will see that your body works much better than it did when you were heavier and if starts to become fun.
Normal...for the first week or two but NOT 8 months.

Inactivity breeds inactivity. Start now by walking for 10 mins steady. Do that for the next 2-3 days, then move to 15 mins...keep adding til you are at 30 mins a day plus other activities like housework. If you need a buddy, find a walking club and get moving.

I know I don't have the umph behind me....doors are harder to push open cause I don't have as much weight behind me to push with. That part is normal.
I signed up for a personal trainer. I need help getting myself going, so I decided to invest in myself. Thanks for giving me the push you guys, I was just being lazy blaming the surgery. Hopefully after the iron transfusion tomorrow and the start of an exercise regime I will be feeling stronger soon.

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