
That many sightings - even if some may have been a wrong cat, some must be him. There are some soulless people that will trap others pets, but the old lady that will feed ferels is good example of how many kind people there are all around us that are unknown till you encounter them during something like this. We had one dirtbag near us that also trapped all neighbor cats he could, and took them to the kill shelter and never let any one know, but he thought there should never be any outdoor, wandering pets, and certainly none that should be allowed in his garden (well, and I actually agree, but his remedy was cruel). We went to the shelter to look for a missing cat, and noticed that not only was our cat there, but so were other familiar neighborhood cats. The shelter gave us the name of the neighbor who was bringing them all in, and he told them he was trapping them on a rural wooded property, which was a lie, he just didn't want to admit he was targeting everyone's pets. I'd worry less about that, just because Loki was not an outdoor cat that had been antagonizing anyone with his flowerbed pooping.

Now people have seen and spoke with you, and will be much more likely to call if they see anything. When I used to deliver mail and end up with strays off the route, the folks that I actually talked to were usually the ones to end up spreading the word and helping me find the owners.

When you get him back, you better hope he's not enjoying all this adventure, or he may have a new habit of trying to zip out the door every time it opens. I've known two cats that NEVER wanted to go outside again even though the doors were left wide open, and assume their adventures were not so grand.

I've got nothing to do today but wait in a medicated stupor for a back injection for a pinched sciatic nerve, so I'll be checking back for happy news. Crossing fingers your next post will be an ecstatic "captured" with a picture of the fugitive.
Just called the Cat Lady - the old lady feral was eating breakfast, but the possible Loki wasn't with her. :-(
Wednesday - still no Loki. I have put flyers on every house within the boundaries of San Carlos, Bascom, Naglee on both sides to the Rose Garden and every house facing the Rose Garden, down Hadley, Brooklyn and Wabash. Every house and apartment building - almost 500 flyers. I keep getting people calling me that they've seen him, especially on the unit blocks north of San Carlos on Topeka, Cleveland, Brooklyn and Boston. Two more false alarms yesterday where we ran out to look at cats in people's yards - one was really close (except the tail), and another was a small grey cat - I don't care - people are helping me look, and that's what matters. But there is clearly a cat wandering around the blocks just north of San Carlos (a VERY VERY busy street) who looks a lot like him.
The cat lady is trying to pressure me to put a cat trap out where Loki has been seen and spend the night watching it. That is just not reasonable - there are about six places over 5 or 6 blocks where he has MAYBE been seen - I just can't spend my nights doing that when I have to work, etc.
The cat lady is trying to pressure me to put a cat trap out where Loki has been seen and spend the night watching it. That is just not reasonable - there are about six places over 5 or 6 blocks where he has MAYBE been seen - I just can't spend my nights doing that when I have to work, etc.
Working from the Loki stakeout location would take telecommuting to a whole new level. Still checking in daily for better news.
can you hire a minion to do it? I don't know who or how but my theory is if you have a problem, throw money at it.
can you hire a minion to do it? I don't know who or how but my theory is if you have a problem, throw money at it.

Will you instruct my multi-millionaire cousin on this? She has LOTS of money and a handicapped son who is, on his own, eligible for medicare/medicaid. They moved, and his $1200/mo prescription was expired. She spent a month getting the new locale to approve it. And he went into a deep depression. Her only other alternative would have been to pay the $1200 out of pocket, and...because he has another medical insurance, based outside this country since his late father worked for the UN...they would have reimbursed her all but $240. To her, I guess, it's worth it to deprive your one kid of $240 worth of medication to help him be a little more functioning, while--at the same time--she (with my nagging) picked up the tab for the entire house where her daughter and two grandkids live. And she's 72-years-old and will not live long enough to spend it all...and that's per her financial advisor.

Throw some money at problems that might be fixed with money!! Not that cat problems can be resolved by anything other than the cats involved. They ARE control freaks.
What a moroon I can be sometimes, I just found the lounge and R&R section of this site a day or two ago and I've been coming here over 6 months..lol!

Diana, my heart goes out to you. I so hope you find Loki. I am an animal lover too, it really hurts, they are so innocent and helpless. I will be keeping that in my thought and wishes.

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