Copper, potassium and Ferritin Trends


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
Southern California
2 year labs are trickling in. Not sure what to do about Copper and Potassium. Double the doses? I am taking 99g potassium daily with lunch vites, and 2 mg copper with C and Iron at night. Ferritin continues to rise for some reason. Thanks for any input!
There's something weird about those numbers. The ferritin is VERY high and that should have been thoroughly investigated a long time ago. I don't know what copper might have to do with that, but you need to chase that ferritin thing.

Potassium is not something to just increase willy-nilly, either. Talk to your doc about that one as well. S/he might want to give you some rx potassium for a bit.
Thank you EN. I will contact my doctor. It's so comforting to know my healthcare providers are on it. NOT!
Always so grateful to be a part of this board!
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Response from my NUT. My PCP is out of town and Dr filling in wrote that he had read this and agrees with it.

"Your ferritin is your iron in storage . Your Blood count is fine and your serum iron is fine . I would not worry about it . Regarding your potassium . Absorption is often an issue and we often see that in potassium . I have ordered potassium in powder form that you mix with water . This may be better absorbed. Take as directed and recheck your potassium in 3-4 days to see if it reponding t the different formuation of potassium . "

Neither seem to be concerned about the ferritin level. :(
Well, my NUT is just following MY lead! I tell her what I take and she just says, 'It's working so keep doing what you're doing!" It's lonely out there!!!! Haha!

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