Anyone having problems staying on track this winter?


Jan 26, 2014

I am having a very hard time with this cold winter we are having. Many not turning to comfort foods (aka carbs).

So ready to get back outside and have nice weather?

Just wanted to see if anyone else struggles with this?


I live in Southern Oregon where it's been mostly very mild (in fact, records highs this past weekend) but the lack of sun still gets me.

just started this morning with light therapy, using a lamp to help me feel better since I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, no doubt. also I started taking fish oil/omega 3 supplements.

I started a new job last May and have found it very stressful. I have used both depression and especially stress as an excuse to drink too much coffee and then make poor food choices.

but! my sleeve still works if I use it: I can eat all kinds of carbs but dense protein fills me up. :cheerleaders:
winter comfort foods like mac and cheese beckon me still

But the good thing about winter is that it is great to have the oven or slow cooker on and to eat hot food. I make a roast every couple of days which means great hot meals, then lots of protein leftovers...and the meat can be reused in lots of baked casseroles.

In the summer, it is often too hot to use the stove and I miss the meat. Of course, there is always the BBQ
This winter has been bad for me too. I love walking and running outside but this bitter cold has put a stop to that. It didn't help that I spent way too much time sitting on my butt binge watching Breaking Bad on Netflix earlier this month. I'm ready for spring!

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