And, not everything comes to a halt...

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
I’ve had electricians here...three guys, for a day and a half so far.

They are converting my 1946 kitchen—last remodeled in the 1970s—into something with, you know...electrical outlets.

I have no idea what this will cost.

(It kind of reminds me of my grandfather’s house, built in 1927-28. The bathroom had exactly ZERO electrical outlets. There was a light over the sink. Who needs electricity in a BATHROOM?)

Hope the cost is reasonable.

We redid the upstairs bath about 4 years ago. Two electricians, full day, less than $200.00. They had to rewire the entire bathroom. Added about 5 outlets, re-ran lights, added a new light since the shower WAS where we put the vanity. We had used them before, had a fantastic reputation in the area and stayed busy.
Hope the cost is reasonable.

We redid the upstairs bath about 4 years ago. Two electricians, full day, less than $200.00. They had to rewire the entire bathroom. Added about 5 outlets, re-ran lights, added a new light since the shower WAS where we put the vanity. We had used them before, had a fantastic reputation in the area and stayed busy.

Including materials?

$200 / 16 “worker hours” = less than CA minimum wage, even (I think) four years ago.

The random helpers outside Home Depot wouldn’t work for that
Including materials?

$200 / 16 “worker hours” = less than CA minimum wage, even (I think) four years ago.

The random helpers outside Home Depot wouldn’t work for that
Actually most of the materials. We did buy the outlet covers later for after the drywall had gone up. But we were dealing with a small business who actually did very well on what he charged. We were very surprised the first time we used him. And his work ethic is why we kept using him. He ended up doing about 5 projects at various times. Many times, we had most of what he needed but he always supplied the electrical wire.
Our cash-out refi will be funded on Monday. Charles has refused to do any preparations for remodeling until it was in the bank. I have $90K to play with, but I really don’t want to spend it all, because we’re going to have to supplement our social security with it until my retirement accounts go back to where they were. Or at least closer.

So this is the list:
  • Redo the irrigation system
  • Pour concrete pads for storage shed(s) and hot tub
  • Replenish rock on the xeriscape
  • Buy hot tub and storage sheds
  • Gut kitchen - maybe
  • Cut down bar behind sink to counter height
  • Replace cabinets to taller ones
  • Make coat room into a pantry
  • Vented quiet hood
  • New stove - gas oven, gas and induction cooktop
  • New dishwasher
  • Granite countertops - I am SO sick of disgusting groady tile and grout counters!
  • Maybe include a small second sink on the counter behind the sink?
  • Paint most of the colorful walls a bit more muted colors (but not white!)
  • Replace bathroom cabinets
  • Replace some funky bathroom windows that came apart inside
  • Replace carpets in master bedroom and office with something else, and in bathrooms - the tile floors are slippery when wet, and the cats barf on the carpets.
  • More insulation under the roof
  • Set aside $$ for inevitable need for new A/C units (we have a home warranty but will want to upgrade)
  • Decorative security screen for the front door so we can leave it open for cross-ventilation on the many nice days.
Here’s a link to the house when it was for sale - we haven’t done much to it except add solar and enclose the backyard with a gated wall.

I’m not sure how much of this we can do. But I’m looking forward to figuring it out.

Oh, and while the inside work going on, we will be taking the RV over to the RV park nearby and staying in it, so we don’t have to live in the dust and worry about the cats getting out.
Interest rates would have to get down to about 2.5% for us to proceed.

There is a SLIM chance that will happen...and I don’t mean 2.5% with 8 points or some stupid thing. LOL
Irrigation is occasionally springing leaks. Gotta be done.

That starts the cascade of redoing rocks, which would be stupid to do before pouring the pads. The hot tub itself could wait, especially with summer coming, but I would pout - I haven’t had one for at least 7 years. And my achy body wants one badly.

Kitchen MUST be done - the countertops are driving me nuts. And you don’t put new countertops on crap cabinets.

I was being reasonable - Charles wants to rip out and redesign the entire center of the house to make it open concept (there are no interior load bearing walls, which makes that an intriguing idea), which would necessitate ripping up all the tile floors. I would love to do that too, and put in something softer on the feet and easier to clean, but that’s too extreme. We “only” paid about $300K for the house, and putting $100+K on remodeling would be stupid.
Ahem...the outside work can continue. You have my permission.

INSIDE? Are you going to empty your house for the duration? And not peek in to see how things are going? But the “Kitchen must be done” really can wait. Whoever you hire will have all kinds of folks in and out of your house. All will touch doorknobs and other surfaces; most will use your bathrooms; a few will wander around just to look at your stuff. And neither you nor Charles will REALLY stay away. And he’s already a mess.

So, unless you are REALLY tired of him AND he’s very well insured, deal with your crappy counters. If you had gone to Catholic school back in the day, you’d be told to “offer it up“* “for good intentions.” Probably not taught in the local kibbutzim or Protestant Vacation Bible Schools.

How Do You "Offer It Up"?
In the most general sense, any prayer or intention to "offer it up" is sufficient. Simply stop at a moment of stress, or as you enter into a situation that you know will be stressful, make the Sign of the Cross, and say something like, "O Jesus, I offer up my struggles and sacrifices today for the relief of the Holy Souls in Purgatory."

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