When did you start enjoying beer and wine?

A year.

And then you may find that you are drunk halfway through the first drink and the first one totally sober after the meal.

But a year. Your liver is already busy.
I had a vodka with sugarfree caramel syrup and a shot of chocolate Moo Magic (my own candy bar vodka ) tonight. I am 6 months out. Got buzzed pretty fast but it went away very fast and then I got a headache. Meh.
I haven’t been this sober for this long since I was a baby :ROFLMAO:! Basically 6 months if you count pre-op and post-op. I NEVER would drink to excess, but do enjoy a nice crafted brew when smoking a pipe or cigar which I do about 2-3 times a month. Also sometimes with a nice steak, I like a nice Cabernet, but not too often. So, not a huge drinker, BUT, do, (did) enjoy it in my life with my balance and limits. I also am like @star0210 and do like an occasional spicy bloody mary once in a while if I’m going to drink a mixed drink. As a matter of fact, it was one of her posts I read that tempted and CORRUPTED me in to trying one…;)

So…..at the risk of being flogged with a wet noodle, I must make a confession. Being the curious George nosy ass gotta know everything analytical that I am, as I said, I had to “test” the waters so to speak. Last weekend, I tried to just drink a nice ale and couldn’t stand it, only drank an ounce or two, and then, tried a bloody mary. Finished the bloody mary, but it took me all night long and I kept having to add ice to it and I didn't even catch a BUZZ…nothing…lol, so, WT heck. Guess my body was telling me again what it needs and doesn’t need, so, I’m cool with it! I just had to see for myself.
I reckon I was 14 years old when I had my first glass or ten... But post-DS I waited about a year. I imbibe very rarely and only if I think it is really going to be worth it.
I think I might be allergic, too. I waited until I was 21 to have my first drink - my father was a violent alcoholic and I wanted to make sure I wasn't putting myself in a bad position. Even since then, I only very, very rarely drink. I might have one or two every 3-6 months at a social event with friends. Even then, though, I don't enjoy it. I don't like the taste of alcohol, and I get the same symptoms @southernlady described. I'd be just as happy with a virgin whatever-it-is. Also, I've never been drunk! I got a little tipsy at about 4 drinks worth once, but never have pushed past that. I read somewhere that they suspect many alcoholics actually have an allergy to alcohol - so given my reaction to it, I treat it like a ticking time bomb. And now that I've had surgery on my insides and learned about transfer addiction, I'm even MORE wary of it. So it will be AT LEAST a year for me, for sure.
I think I might be allergic, too. I waited until I was 21 to have my first drink - my father was a violent alcoholic and I wanted to make sure I wasn't putting myself in a bad position. Even since then, I only very, very rarely drink. I might have one or two every 3-6 months at a social event with friends. Even then, though, I don't enjoy it. I don't like the taste of alcohol, and I get the same symptoms @southernlady described. I'd be just as happy with a virgin whatever-it-is. Also, I've never been drunk!

My Mother was an alcoholic but thankfully not violent. She was the kind that is neglectful by not being emotionally involved and left me to my own resources at the early age of 10. I just never saw the attraction but as a young adult, I did enjoy the social drinking...maybe one a month or two? Mainly wine coolers or White Russians. I discovered Apfelkorn while in Germany...OH MY GOD, that stuff has a KICK! I DO like alcoholic drinks...but they really aren't worth the reaction any more.
last time I had a couple glasses of wine I noticed I hat tons of hot flashes that night...boo!
I waited about a year with the exception of trying one sip of Naranja when I was in Spain. Now I probably have about 10 alcoholic beverages a year. Never was a big drinker and that hasn't changed.
Oh my @southernlady, apfelkorn was the first alcoholic beverage to cost me my sobriety - I should have realized its strength when my classmates giggled as I drank! As an exchange student in Germany on a class trip to Heidelberg, I didn't make it back to the youth hostel before curfew and had to spend the night out front on a park bench.
@hilary1617 I discovered it the first year I was over there...at Oktoberfest in Munich. Went to Munich with friends. I wasn't a beer drinker but since it is a liqueur, I THOUGHT I was okay...after all I had had other liqueurs. (I was 28 that year). Thankfully *I* wasn't trying to drive just walk and that was hard enough.
@southernlady , I didn't realize it was a liqueur at the time I first encountered it - until it was too late. I thought it was a strange, tasty German apple juice. The other kids had fun *not* letting me know... Powerful stuff!
I was a once or twice a year binge drinker. I don't enjoy alcohol really, but Im really introverted and love to get good and drunk to become a social butterfly.

About 8 months out I had 5 or 6 shots of rum. Normally this would AT LEAST make me warm and happyish (I've always been able to drink the "boys" under the table). Well. I felt NOTHING! Not a dang thing. I stopped after that as it was like chasing the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Now, I'm on a hefty dose of fentanyl patches and have freaked myself out by reading mixing it with alcohol can cause neurological damage (NO THANKS! lol). So now I'm alcohol free, but 8 months was what I waited post DS. Post sleeve I think I waited nearly 1.5 years.
maybe I am obsessive, but think that understanding how any medication (OTC or otherwise) is going to be metabolized and absorbed is going to be important for the rest of your life. I don't know that anything is any more or less dangerous to you or not... but one thing is clear, you no longer fit into the standard population that they used when they came up with all the statistical data that says "avoid this" or "don't worry about that".

Kind of hoping they legalize weed here before too long since booze and pills will soon be off the table. Jk... they never have been. Well, at least not since college 30 years ago :cool:.
Kind of hoping they legalize weed here before too long since booze and pills will soon be off the table. Jk... they never have been. Well, at least not since college 30 years ago :cool:.

Only problem with that is what happens when munchies :sick:

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