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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Who knew?

First, my story:
Several years ago, I figured I was looking pretty good, but could use a facial filler. I got one…I forget which…and liked the results. A while later, my dermatologist told me I might like Radiesse better. It cost a little more, but lasted a lot longer. I tried it, and it was all gone in about two weeks! I was not pleased; my dermatologist, who knew (we had discussed my PTH test results) that I had malabsorption issues re calcium, was intrigued. He called the manufacturer. Lo and behold! Radiesse is made from calcium hydroxylapatite. When my parathyroid, always on the lookout for a good calcium source, “found” the Radiesse, it glommed onto it and probably immediately improved my serum calcium levels! So no more Radiesse for me!

The news:
There are currently two COVID-19 vaccines, right? Well, they are not life-threatening, but reactions to the Moderna vaccine appear to be related to certain facial fillers. For your reading pleasure:
A long time ago Dr. Baltasar told me calcium apatite was the best calcium for us to take. Hard to find though. I take it whenever I can find it at a decent price. Usually in addition to the citrate. You may have discovered something. That might be a great way for us to supplement. If it works for us, it would probably work for CF patients and some other folks too.

Calcium apatite toothpaste is used in Japan. They claim it repairs teeth! I have no idea if the claims are true.

Wonder if anyone is studying it?
A long time ago Dr. Baltasar told me calcium apatite was the best calcium for us to take. Hard to find though. I take it whenever I can find it at a decent price. Usually in addition to the citrate. You may have discovered something. That might be a great way for us to supplement. If it works for us, it would probably work for CF patients and some other folks too.

Calcium apatite toothpaste is used in Japan. They claim it repairs teeth! I have no idea if the claims are true.

Wonder if anyone is studying it?


the price would have to come down...a bunch! Lol
I had no idea this existed..

Wikipedia gives a caution, could be old news

...... search on calcium apatite

"Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHA) is marketed as a "bone-building" supplement with superior absorption in comparison to calcium.[20]

"It is a second-generation calcium supplement derived from bovine bone.[20] In the 1980s, bone meal calcium supplements were found to be contaminated with heavy metals,[20] and although the manufacturers claim their MCHA is free from contaminants, it isn't recommended because its effect in the body has not been well-tested.[20]
I bought some of the toothpaste from Japan and I can't tell any difference. Apagard Premio.

I don't worry about taking it. It is so expensive I can't afford much of it. I think it is easier to get and cheaper in Europe and Scandinavia.

Baltasar is pretty sharp on nutrition. Has been telling his patients to take it for more than 20 years. Claims it is much better than citrate but he knows we can't always find it in the US.

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