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Susan in Tennessee

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
Middle TN
I saw a new nurse practitioner last week. I want to get established with someone before Medicare kicks in this coming year. I also needed doctor orders for my mammogram that’s already scheduled for 12-30.

She had me give a urine sample. Last night after getting home at 7:30 pm from the day surgery husband had (inguinal hernia) I found a voice mail from the N.P. Saying my urine showed ecoli and she was calling in cipro unless I had a problem with that…got me to call her.

So, experts, do I (should I) have a problem with that? I actually didn’t know I had a UTI. I had one a couple years ago and I sure knew it then! I feel need to urinate more frequently than I like and then not much quantity.
Will Cipro mess up my gut balance, worse than any other antibiotic? I take probiotics, do I continue while on antibiotic? What can I do to help myself? Lots of yogurt, a specific probiotic?

I have more to say about this NP but that’ll be another post. Nothing is EVER easy it seems.

As always, thanks for any and all assistance.
Take probiotic, eat yogurt but not at the same time as the antibioti. Also, did she suggest Azo? If so, dig out your oldest underwear cause it will stain it a permanent orange. Cranberry will help. I found cranberry chews, there is also cranberry pills. most cranberry is in soft gels, oil based.
Take probiotic, eat yogurt but not at the same time as the antibioti. Also, did she suggest Azo? If so, dig out your oldest underwear cause it will stain it a permanent orange. Cranberry will help. I found cranberry chews, there is also cranberry pills. most cranberry is in soft gels, oil based.
Thanks, Liz! No, no mention of Axo…yet.

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