Our cable company added a new network. For the most part, it's been fun to time travel back to my younger years. Then tonight while I was watching one of my favorites, this skit was shown. I didn't cry, but all the laughter pissed me off. I guess if you can peel off the fat suit and go back to being "normal", one doesn't see how pathetic this mocking of the obese can be. You know what makes me sadder? If this were filmed today, people would still laugh at the fatties. And if we tried to tell people just how offensive this is, we'd be told to get over it.
Our cable company added a new network. For the most part, it's been fun to time travel back to my younger years. Then tonight while I was watching one of my favorites, this skit was shown. I didn't cry, but all the laughter pissed me off. I guess if you can peel off the fat suit and go back to being "normal", one doesn't see how pathetic this mocking of the obese can be. You know what makes me sadder? If this were filmed today, people would still laugh at the fatties. And if we tried to tell people just how offensive this is, we'd be told to get over it.