I'll tell you a few little things that helped me, or things that I realized in hindsight...
- don't overpack for the hospital. It's a waste. Bring something you can easily slip on and off your feet, your phone charger, Chapstick and mini bottles of listerine. I don't think I touched anything else that I brought except maybe a movie or 2 on the iPad. Also, wear something very loose and comfy there that you can put on to go back home.
- don't over buy post op foods or protein powders, I threw away so much.
- keep lots of different kinds of drinks around to keep hydrated. I found thermos bottles helped to keep things cold (some prefer room temp or hot) and helped me keep track of my ounces for the day (still do!)
That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure if you read the back threads there will be lots more!