Stitches out this afternoon...I hope

Please have Mr Sue or a pikstick do all the bending for you. Foot cream and socks should not lead to agony. :( Feel better soon.
you know there are all sorts of things to help people that can't bend, right? I mean it goes without saying but just in case it doesn't, here is just an example of adaptive equipment online.

a lot of people have these issues: there is probably something for whatever you need help with.
you know there are all sorts of things to help people that can't bend, right? I mean it goes without saying but just in case it doesn't, here is just an example of adaptive equipment online.

a lot of people have these issues: there is probably something for whatever you need help with.

Thank you.

I actually own several of them for an earlier injury. And I do know how to live w/my usual "challenges." is a new and temporary problem. I am not used to not being able to put on socks. Not a big fan of socks anyway. But...I was seated, I had my sock in my hand and I saw my foot in front of me on an elevated footstool thing...and I leaned forward, as you do, to put the sock arms didn't reach far enough (actually, my knee didn't bend enough) and I stretched and oh! Shit!

Also...undies...I now MUST put my left foot through first...because I can lift the right foot higher.

This is all new and, hopefully, will soon go away!
getting old just keeps getting harder :(

For women. And the men have Vi-agra for that.

(I couldn't resist.)

(File this away: the MEN who run the world have decided that Medicare Part D should pay for Vi-agra, for uh...drooping old guys. But NOT PAY for Osphena for...uhm...dehydrating old gals. The current preferred method for dealing with old age sex is that men take Vi-agra and get a younger wife. You would have been political. LOL Anyway, when women run the world, it will be the that the ladies can spend time with their tennis pros.)
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Dang Sue. I guess I need to check in more often (sorry all you Moms!!!). Hopefully your knee incision is all healed up now.
Ugh, I've missed everything happening till now. Recoveries absolutely get harder every year. You need a dedicated servant.

I'll admit that after the last few surgeries (for back, skin removal) I just gave up on anything that gave me the least resistance, like wearing any clothes whatsoever. For a long time. If I HAD to go somewhere public like to the Dr, I'd just put on hubbys long t-shirt, which is basically a dress on me if I belt it (or a moo-moo) and shoes I could just jam my feet with no socks like clogs. Showers? Plenty of days I just didn't care about that either.

I found getting pedicures valuable when I couldn't bend, but didn't actually care about the polish. I got the one that exfoliates lower legs/feet, trims nails, and moisturises everything after they massage the feet. Unless Mr Sue has skills that Mr Bearmom seems to lack, it made some things easier.

Thank goodness for dilaudid, and I hope your recovery get easier very very soon.