Need advice on antibiotics

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Walk in Beauty,Walk in Integrity
Feb 24, 2016
Hi guys,
It's been awhile since I've checked in. There hasn't really been any change since the last time I was here. I stopped losing about 8 months out (DS on 4/24/16) and up until last month, that's where I stayed. I have since gained about 10 pounds and am currently trying to figure that mess out.
Anyway, I am in a slight panic and don't know how to proceed.
Back on April 5th of this year, I had to have an emergency root canal. I'd never had any real dental work other than all my wisdom teeth out when I was 16 yo.
So, I had the work done, antibiotics, etc. I returned a few weeks later to have the crown put on and they cracked the tooth next to it. DOWN TO THE ROOTS! This meant root canal #2! So, again, another round of antibiotics in June for #2. Two weeks ago, I went in because I had an abcess above #2. He wanted to give me clindamycin but he agreed to Keflex. So ANOTHER round of Cephalexin for 10 days and a failed attempt at steroids(I apparently am too sensitive and can't take methylprednisolone either.) Here we are, 13 days later and the abcess is back. Tomorrow I go back and im afraid he will put me on antibiotics AGAIN!
I have been on more AB's in the 20 months since my DS than I can ever remember. To make things worse, I am actually allergic to 90% of AB's out there. I can't take aything in the penicillin family,no sulfa, erythromycin, no cipro. And now, after the DS...even more worries.
I'm terrified all this will end me up with a case of c diff.

ANY advice will be appreciated as I have an 8:00 am appointment tomorrow and didn't know what to do. I can't leave the infection untreated but I don't know what to take. Do I stick with another round of Keflex or go with something stronger since it hasn't worked this last time??? I don't know what to do and I feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette here. How much can my new system take with all these antibiotics? I am on 2 GREAT probiotics 3x daily and have been for a solid year. I eat prebiotic foods to help and after ea round (except this last one) I do a super strong 7-day probiotic powder.
I have (so far) survived c diff, which now kills more people than AIDS I feel for you.

Also, I had a tooth cracked through the root, we went ahead w/the root canal and the repair lasted for years. But, about four years ago, the crown had to come off and the broken root had to come out. (My dentist's staff HATED extractions because he was always grumpy afterwards.)'ve already been to your this is late info. In my case, it IS Russian Roulette. "Pravda."

This is what else I know:
You can't get an implant there for several months...but then you have to do it pretty soon, or else there will be resorption and you CAN'T get an implant. And...implants require prophlyactic abx. So, there's that decision in our future. (And, since it was the last tooth, the last lower molar, on that side, the ONLY option was an implant...which I didn't get.)

What did you decide!
Thanks @Spiky Bugger ,for your response. I'm glad you are a survivor but I'm sorry you have to experience any of that!

He took more xrays and said his gut tells him there is a fine fracture somewhere in the root and he wasn't confident that going in and retreating then redoing the root canal would fix it. He suspected that if it was a fine line fracture, the infections would continue to occur. So.. he gave me the choice. I told him to extract it. By taking the tooth, the infection will go with it. As he removed it, there was indeed a horrible smell/taste and the tips of the roots had spongy, pus like attachments. So, good call.
No antibiotics and we will do a short bridge at the end of January. That will give me plenty of time to heal and for that area to settle for a better fit.
There are just so many pitfalls after my DS that I really didn't expect. Even after 14 months of research prior to surgery, I learn **** everyday and pray I actually can avoid some of the major stuff. At almost 2 years out, with never reaching anywhere close to goal and all of the extreme 'side effects', I can't say that I would ever do this over given the chance. Everyone is different.
Thanks @Spiky Bugger ,for your response. I'm glad you are a survivor but I'm sorry you have to experience any of that!

He took more xrays and said his gut tells him there is a fine fracture somewhere in the root and he wasn't confident that going in and retreating then redoing the root canal would fix it. He suspected that if it was a fine line fracture, the infections would continue to occur. So.. he gave me the choice. I told him to extract it. By taking the tooth, the infection will go with it. As he removed it, there was indeed a horrible smell/taste and the tips of the roots had spongy, pus like attachments. So, good call.
No antibiotics and we will do a short bridge at the end of January. That will give me plenty of time to heal and for that area to settle for a better fit.
There are just so many pitfalls after my DS that I really didn't expect. Even after 14 months of research prior to surgery, I learn **** everyday and pray I actually can avoid some of the major stuff. At almost 2 years out, with never reaching anywhere close to goal and all of the extreme 'side effects', I can't say that I would ever do this over given the chance. Everyone is different.

Are you saying that you feel that the DS and c diff are related? Because, I'd wager that the overwhelming majority of c diff patients have never heard of the DS...
PS...I'm dealing with SIBO right now. And the DS is ONE of the possible contributing factors...but so are old age, proton pump inhibitors, diverticula, fistulae, H2 blockers and other stuff I don't remember right now.

If it's any consolation, most of my GI issues were caused by the GD LapBand, starting w/esophageal dysmotility, documented when I went to get a band UNfill and we watched the barium move up and down the esophagus...requiring some time and my jumping up and down to make it move toward the stomach.

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Are you saying that you feel that the DS and c diff are related? Because, I'd wager that the overwhelming majority of c diff patients have never heard of the DS...
Nope. Not what i think at all. Actually, I was so surprised to find out about c diff being so insidious after a vacation to the Dominican Republic. I came home and was in the ER less than 24 hr later. They thought that it may be dengue. Turns out after testing for everything under the sun including chikungunya and c diff, it turned out to be dysentery. That's when I learned about all these crazy, scary things I never even knew existed (or still existed! )
Bummer about the SIBO as well!!:frown::confused:

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