mounjaro and ozempic


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2016
Hey all!

So, I had about 25 pounds of bounce back, so I started taking Mounjuro. It's starting to work, I'm down about 8 pounds. There is so much talk about it as a wonder drug and it make me wonder if it's a chemical alternative to the DS. But as the data shows up, it's really not.

Check out this article. You only lose 15% of your weight. See the attached NY times article


  • Does Ozempic Stop Working Over Time_ Why Weight Loss Can Plateau - The New York Times.pdf
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Hey all!

So, I had about 25 pounds of bounce back, so I started taking Mounjuro. It's starting to work, I'm down about 8 pounds. There is so much talk about it as a wonder drug and it make me wonder if it's a chemical alternative to the DS. But as the data shows up, it's really not.

Check out this article. You only lose 15% of your weight. See the attached NY times article
Thanks to everyone using it as a weight loss drug, diabetics who really need it are having a hard time getting it.
Thanks to everyone using it as a weight loss drug, diabetics who really need it are having a hard time getting it.

I completely hear you on that, but I also think it's an unrealistic ask to have people know there is a drug out there like this and not use it.

And it's a crappy situation.
There are a couple people on some of the FB groups using it with good success.

Glad it’s working for you.

OOC, did you try going back to basics before you started it?
Fair question. Context for a sec. I yoyoed my whole life before the DS. 20 pounds at 12, 40 at 17 and 19, 100 at 23, 120 at 34. So I know how to lose weight. But in this case, for 18 months, I kept saying I'm going to start my diet the next day, or the next month, etc. And I never got to it because it's so painful.

I read about the drug and was like, well, I can get Mounjaro for $500 (there is a coupon floating around from the manufacturer) a month, and my Dr will write the script because I had diabetes. Why don't I just try this?

They start you on a low dosage and move you up over time. I started on 2.5 MG for a month. There was a slight difference. At 5 mg, the food noise in my head settled down a bit, and I felt full for much longer. This is where I noticed it. Next week I start 7.5 MG, and I assume, it will be better than the 5 MG.

I did not have any of the side effects others have talked about.

I plan to go off it when I reach my goal weight and we will see how that goes. I did the calorie math, and I allowed myself one sweet thing a day. Ice cream, candy bar, etc. I think to maintain 135 (I'm 5'3, so it's not that skinny) I need to just give up sweets and I should be fine.

Definitely an adventure
Thanks for the details. I’ve been curious about it and read the articles on the other supplements that calling things “natures ozempic.”

I am curious though if this impacts how much food you are able to take in and support your labs. Is it mostly hitting the head hunger for you or the actual/physical hunger?

I think at the end of the day we all do what we need to do to feel our best. It sounds like you’ve got yourself doing what works for you and that’s awesome. Keep us posted!
Well, so, I feel full more quickly and eat less food. I have more control too, I don't give in to wanting sweets. It's a powerful tool. I'll be interested in what 7.5 mg bring
Well, so, I feel full more quickly and eat less food. I have more control too, I don't give in to wanting sweets. It's a powerful tool. I'll be interested in what 7.5 mg bring

If you are eating less, you’ll definitely want to keep on top of your macros, labs, and supplements. I’m sure you know this but I’m saying it anyway. Be safe!
So, as you might imagine, I've been following the mounjaro and ozempic news. The news is pretty clear, these drugs takes 15% of your weight off, but not much more, and you have to take if for the rest of your life.

But what is crazy to me is people are starting to ask if it's an alternative for weight loss surgery, when it's clearly not. How many people you think get WLS with only 15% of their weight to loose,
I met someone who was on ozempic for a few weeks but was taken off again because of the side affects. there may have been more, but what I heard about was anxiety and depression.
My kiddo with Cushing's Disease (neurosurgery 2x, but has active tumor #3 wreaking havoc) is on Ozempic. He started at the same time he started on a new Cushing's med, Isturisa, which helps with his cortisol levels, so it may be a combined effect, but he has lost approximately 100 lbs in the past 10 months and counting.
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