I know they have internet, but she said it's slow.. just wondering how slow. Chances are, it's fully functional- but I still am going to attempt to limit myself on it. Todd will spend some evenings with me, and is taking some PTO too, to spend it there.. so I *should* hopefully find other fun things to do to occupy my time

. Just getting out of the house I live in and into this place on the land it's on will be akin to the "Rat Park" experiment..
Please! I have time, going groc shopping and hitting the library tomorrow- throw them at me.. My friends also appear to have a nice big library, plus I'm bringing some art supplies.. maybe I can find my zen enough to sit still and do something!
Since this is a bird sanctuary, and my friend is one of the few licensed hummingbird master banders in the US, I made her a present at a night iron pour this past Saturday, I carved it, they pour it.. I figured this, a bottle of wine and some treats for when they come home would be a nice "thank you" for them offering their house to us to get away from the stress for a bit. We normally camp at the sanctuary often, just with my parental issues/work ***** happening, we've not made it once this season..