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EN, I am glad you are home and that the Crazies got smacked. Too bad it sometimes takes something like this to prove that you have toxic family members. I hate that Mr. EN had to find that out.
I hope the day that your family is together comes soon. I hope the winter sun of the big sky can heal your hurts.
Hi EN, I'm glad the lawsuit went nowhere fast and that you got to spend time with Mr.EN and Jack. Hopefully you'll all be together soon on a permanent basis. :)
Happy for you and your move EN. Making positive changes happen actually takes Making positive changes happen!. Wow...I just made that up...sounds pretty philosophical...LOL....Anyway, my point is...and you know this....sometimes you just got to do it and let the **** land where it may and know that you gave it your best. F*#@ing lawsuits are TOXIC at best, I know, been the plaintiff in my former business litigation's. Cant imagine that with family. Hopefully its all over. Appeal PROBABLY wont happen, they're just blowing smoke and trying to "save face"...anyway, hang in there darlin and enjoy Gods beautiful Montana.
Appeal PROBABLY wont happen, they're just blowing smoke and trying to "save face"...anyway, hang in there darlin and enjoy Gods beautiful Montana.

I have some small bit of hope that the lawyer twinnie was yapping at my lawyer and the judge, making noises that sounded like an appeal threat, in order to tell her moron twinnie, the plaintiff, that YES, she covered all the bases and NO, appeal was not an option. However, lawyer twinnie is so abysmally incompetent that one cannot make any assumptions based on any kind of normalcy, IYKWIM.

It has been a nightmare, and I'm going to be gunshy about these people for a very long time. But things are moving forward again. I found a car yesterday and by the time it's ready for pickup in a week or so, I just might have a couple job interviews lined up. I missed out on a couple of possibilities because the ******* inlaws stole two months of my life, but there are more options out there :).

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