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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
I keep meaning to tell you…at the Defense Language Institute-West Coast, aka DLIWC (where MrSue and I met) at The Presidio of Monterey, in Monterey, CA, all kinds of military (and Secret Service and CIA and State Dept and all the “alphabet organizations”) were in various classrooms, studying various languages for HOURS at a time. We had a two hour lunch break, but were required to check our mail, do chores and, perhaps, prepare for the next exam. IOW, it was stressful.

So at the start of lunchtime, we ganged up on each other. Regardless of language, we females regrouped into branch of service…Air Force siding with Army and Marines siding with Navy…and tormented each other with:


All the male types, even Intelligence guys who were supposed to be able to figure out everything… just watched in wonder.
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