Genepro (Musclegen) being sued by Syntrax (SI03 Inc.) for false advertising


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Genepro (Musclegen) is being sued by Syntrax (SI03 Inc.) for false advertising.

Law360, New York (November 23, 2016, 3:58 PM EST) -- Protein powder maker SI03 Inc. has filed suit in Missouri federal court alleging that rival MuscleGen Research Inc. overstates the amount of protein in its GenePro powder product, wrongfully taking business away from competitors by tricking consumers into thinking they’re getting more for a lower price.…/protein-powder-maker-accuses-rival-……/mi…/moedce/1:2016cv00274/150119
I wouldn't be at all surprised if more companies are doing the same or similar things. After all there is no way for customers to actually KNOW!
If I can use Genepro to get an additional 10 grams (instead of 30) of protein by putting it in my coffee in the morning it is still better then no protein added to my coffee.
If I can use Genepro to get an additional 10 grams (instead of 30) of protein by putting it in my coffee in the morning it is still better then no protein added to my coffee.
Any good tasting whey isolate protein would work. It doesn’t have to be the Genepro.
I HATE the taste of whey protein, it tastes like fake sugar to me with an aftertaste.
This stuff is a very small amount that is tasteless and melts instantly.
What whey protein uses such a small amount to provide even 10 grams of protein?
Sorry for reviving an old thread but is this still true about Genepro? I bought a bag for post surgery since everyone says it is tasteless, but I don't want to be counting it towards my macros if it isn't accurately listing the protein grams it is giving me. How annoying...
Sorry for reviving an old thread but is this still true about Genepro? I bought a bag for post surgery since everyone says it is tasteless, but I don't want to be counting it towards my macros if it isn't accurately listing the protein grams it is giving me. How annoying...
If it’s still claiming 30 grams of protein for their itty bitty scoop, yes.
If it’s still claiming 30 grams of protein for their itty bitty scoop, yes.

So, it says 11 grams of protein in the nutritional information. Then they have all over their package that the 11 grams of protein is equivalent to 33 grams of protein because of their nanoparticle technology?? :rolleyes: So I guess when I use it I'll have to just count it as 11 grams... Annoying.

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