Personally, for me, IMHO, I don’t believe Leptin is the “smoking gun” or “Magic bullet” that we are all hoping for as some are saying. I do believe it is just one hormone of many that they are not even close yet to fully understanding and there are many other hormones still yet to be INDENTIFIED. Also, Leptin is strongly linked with Ghrelin, especially regarding its inner actions and pre-triggers that could burn fat real time instead of storing it.
Ghrelin is more commonly tagged as the "Hunger Hormone", but, Leptin does appear to be more related to satiety (which is similar to hunger but not the same) as well as our fat storage or burn triggers all of course interacting with the hypothalamus.
I also disagree with what that dude said about “Leptin resistivity isn’t the problem its the amount”…..As I have said many times, I believe with all my being that the same “Insulin resistive components” that are immediately reversed when the DS is done…IS THE SMOKING GUN! IF they could figure out what precise mechanisms cause that, then were getting somewhere because I believe that’s the real problem.
I felt it, I feel it, I have lived it. As soon as the DS was done, my cells were put back in check. In my lay description, they started talking to each other again, communicating, sending the right send and receive signals and doing their job. In essence, that’s what insulin resistivity is which is labeled Type II diabetes, the inability of cells to absorb or uptake insulin.
That cellular absorption and fat regulation is what they should be focusing on. Leptin IS definitely only ONE component of this yet to be fully defined complex equation.