Enlarged Alimentary limb


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
I have been having abdominal pain and I had a CT scan done. It shows that a segment of my alimentary limb is 3x its normal size. It is very inflamed. The rest of my intestines look normal. The bariatric doctor who is following me for my DS, has no idea what is going on. I will be having an upper GI done, with the hopes of getting a biopsy of the segment. Has anyone else experienced this? What could it be?
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear you are in pain. Hope they figure out what is going on and that you feel better soon!
I'm sorry you are going through this. The reason they are doing the biopsy is that there isn't enough information at this point for anyone to make a diagnosis. I hope they are doing whatever they can to reduce inflammation and get you feeling better in the meantime.
Is there any history of inflammatory bowel disease in your family, like Crohn's or ulcerative colitis? These diseases sometimes run in families.
To me it sounds like it could very well be intussusception. Hopefully it is figured out and fixed soon.

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