Body fat linked to lower bone density, particularly in men

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Body fat linked to lower bone density, particularly in men

Publish date: February 14, 2022
By Mary Chris Jaklevic


Contrary to conventional clinical wisdom, greater body fat is associated with lower bone mineral density (BMD), particularly in men, an analysis of data from a large, nationally representative sample has found.
Much previous research has suggested that obesity protects against fractures and loss of BMD for a variety of reasons, including the beneficial effects of weight-bearing on the skeleton and hormonal factors linked to body fat. But the new findings should prompt a reconsideration of the relationship between obesity and fracture risk, according to the investigators, whose study appears in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
“While higher BMI [body mass index] is generally associated with higher bone density, our study demonstrates that lean and fat mass affect bone density differently and that obesity is not a guarantee against osteoporosis,” Rajesh K. Jain, MD, of the University of Chicago said in an interview.

Dr. Jain and a colleague, Tamara Vokes, MD, used multivariant modeling to examine the relationship between BMD and body composition of 10,814 men and women aged 20-59 years from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2018. All underwent total body dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans.
Participants were stratified into sex-specific quartiles based on lean mass index (LMI; lean mass divided by height squared) and fat mass index (FMI; fat mass divided by height squared). Lean mass had a strong positive association with bone density, whereas fat mass had a moderate negative effect, the researchers found.
An additional kg/m2 of FMI was associated with a 0.10 lower T score, the number of standard deviations from the expected bone density of a young adult (P < .001). The negative effect was greater in men, who had a 0.13 lower T score per additional 1 kg/m2 of FMI, compared with 0.08 lower in women (P < .001). The effect was most pronounced in people in the highest FMI quartile.
Body composition is not a routine clinical measurement, Dr. Jain and Dr. Vokes noted. Prior studies of the effect of body composition on bone density have been limited by small patient numbers, referral bias, lack of racial or ethnic diversity, and the use of estimates rather than true measures of fat and lean tissue. NHANES is designed to mirror the U.S. population.
The researchers say when it comes to patients with obesity, the findings “should not dissuade clinicians from assessing bone density, particularly if other risk factors are present.”
Useful clinical proxies for body composition
Clinicians have no routine way to measure body composition in an office setting. As a result, Dr. Jain advised clinicians to look at factors that correlate with high body fat, such as the presence of diabetes, or with low lean mass, such as poor performance on physical activity measures like grip strength, when deciding whether to consider osteoporosis screening. Patients with obesity should undergo recommended bone density screening, especially if they have other risk factors such as older age, previous fracture, steroid use, or a family history of fracture.
Although some extra weight may have a beneficial loading effect, too much extra weight can lead to metabolic problems and restrict movement, according to Rodrigo J. Valderrábano, MD, medical director of clinical research for the Research Program in Men’s Health: Aging and Metabolism, Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “There’s a general sense that the extra weight is only good for your bones if you can carry it around,” said Dr. Valderrábano, who was not involved in the study.
More research is needed to understand why fat affects men and women differently, Dr. Jain noted. The researchers found that testosterone and estradiol values did not fully explain the variation.
Adipokines released by fat cells may be important in driving bone loss but were not measured in the study, Peter R. Ebeling, MD, president of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research, said in an interview. Distribution of fractures in obesity suggests that a high FMI may preferentially affect cortical bone instead of trabecular bone, but further studies using high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT are required to confirm the difference.
Dr. Ebeling, who was not involved in the new study, agreed that the positive relationship between BMI and BMD has led to false reassurance that people with obesity may be protected from fragility fractures. “The take-home message for clinicians is that we should not neglect bone health in our patients with obesity, both male and female.”
Dr. Jain has reported receiving grant support from the Amgen Foundation and being a consultant for Radius Health. Dr. Vokes has reported being an investigator, consultant, and speaker for Radius Health, investigator and consultant for Takeda Pharmaceutical, and investigator for Ascendis Pharma. Dr. Valderrábano and Dr. Ebeling reported no relevant financial relationships.
A version of this article first appeared on
I was surprised when I read this the other day. An endo. I saw years ago stated the one benefit to being heavy was a much lesser chance of osteo. issues. Everything else was better when you're a normal weight. Guess times have changed.
I just wrangled my husband into getting a baseline DEXA scan, after years of pestering. He's probably broken 20+ bones in his life, including both arms and wrists multiple times, fingers, and he shattered his femur in 2010 from a 3' fall (granted, wearing a belt full of tools and falling onto bare plywood sheets over joists). Now he has liver disease and diabetes, lost a ton of weight and looks pathetically skinny, and when I brought it up with the endocrinologist at his last appointment, she agreed he should be tested.

I was prepared to say "I told you so" - but his spine and hip were NORMAL and his femoral head (the femor he didn't break, since his broken one has metal rods and plates) was merely osteopenic.

Meanwhile, I'm osteopenic at all sites. Crap - not that I wanted him to have osteoporosis, but I lose credibility when I pester about things he should have tested and it turns out he's doing fine. :)

Now to see if I can get him to get the lung CT for people who were/are long-term smokers ....
Well done with your powers of persuasion! Glad neither of you have osteoporosis.
Meanwhile, I'm osteopenic at all sites.
sorry to hear this, but glad he's doing OK.

your posts reminds me that I spent a lot of years pestering my Mom about her smoking and then she died at 72 which no lung problems whatsoever.

but you do what you think is best at the time! :dontknow:

honestly, the older I get the more I can understand people who tell me "I'm going to die of something anyway, I might as well do what I want". doesn't have to be smoking.

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