Hi Clarissa. How are you? It has been a while since we have heard from you. I hope you are doing well!
Been missing you lately. Was beginning to wonder about you.
Glad you made it to his office (and in one piece this time). And how is Toot doing?
Im holding my own. I have gained a ton of weight im up to 160. I got yelled at! He wants to loose 50 or 60 pounds. I have to have a ventrical hernia repair with a quite large puece if mesh to be inserted. It will go from pubic area to under my breast. Basicslly a complete abdomibalplasty. HOWEREVER, he said NEVER EVER CALL IT THAT. INSURANCE DOESN'T LIKE YO PAY FOR THOSE. LOL he wants me to loose 50 or 60 pounds in the next 3 months or so back to basics and starting my exercise. Im bouncing back and forth between 155 and 160.I hope you're ok, mostly for your sake, but also because I'm not sure the group can handle you and Scott doing poorly at the same time.
Hi C! Hope you are well and this is a social visit to see the amazing Dr. K, even though I am guessing it is not.
Was not a social visit however i am not tge complete uttee mess i usually am! Lol
Hi Sweetheart.
I am sorry to heat that you need the major hernia repair. Having had one in May I certainly empathise, but yours sounds twice as big. It sounds like you are going to need full complement separation surgery like we thought I was going to need .best wishes.
I have a majorly redundant colon with numerous kinks and folds which is causing crap to back up into my common channel so I have to have my sigmoid and descending colon removed. It isn't what I wished for but I am hopeful it will fix my constant abdominal pain and discomfort and the cycle of ibs like stools (hard and like constipation for several days and then diarrhea. ..then all over again). I am also dizzY and weak a lot and passing out up to 3 times a day.
Hopefully Dr K can fix me.
Hang in there and best of luck to yo7.
Are you mostly recovered from your terrible accident? What happened with your job?