Any Respect I Had for This Man is

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
I got this in my e-mail. UFB. Now I guess if this expensive program fails, one can get a sleeve. Then when that fails, he'll do the switch part. Now I am carefully forming my response. I want to tell him to go to hell for sending me this, but that seem so inadequate.

Dear Dr. Houston’s patients,

Are you ready to take control of your weight once and for all?

My name is Kristen Graves and I have recently joined the team at Dr. Houston’s office. Last year I tried a program that has finally helped me make a significant difference in my weight and in my life! I want to share my success story with you and help you achieve yours.

Eleven years ago Dr. Houston performed my gastric bypass. I lost 150 pounds and weighed 155 and was thrilled!!! Over time my weight began to fluctuate between 180 and 200 lbs. I could never get back to where I was following surgery. Last April I reached 234 pounds. I couldn’t believe I had let myself get back to this point, but I had. While talking with a friend about my frustration, she recommended the Ideal Protein program. I gave it a shot and fully committed to following the guidelines. I finally feel like I am in control of my eating and my life. I am lower now than I was at my lowest weight after surgery!

We are now offering the Ideal Protein weight loss plan through Dr. Houston’s office. This is so much more than just a diet. This is a lifestyle change. One of the tools to help you reach your goal is consistent support. You will have me as your coach and Dr. Houston as your doctor during the entire process! I will meet with you weekly to discuss your successes and challenges from the previous week and talk about strategies for the upcoming week. In addition, you will receive daily emailed videos, exclusive access to a series of cooking videos, access to a proprietary web portal with an abundance of tools and educational guidance to support your journey.

Ideal Protein was named the #1 weight loss program of 2015! Ideal Protein offerings include pre-packaged bars, shakes, soups, puddings, drink mixes and a lot more. What I found was that most other restrictive diets lacked textures and flavors; however, Ideal Protein’s foods are crunchy, chewy, smooth, sweet, spicy and salty. They can be served hot, warm, cold or even frozen. Everything is pre-measured and portion controlled. You don’t have to do anything other than decide what you want to eat for that day! The plan consists of three (or four depending on your weight) Ideal Protein items, plus your own lean protein and vegetables each day. You can still go out to eat and enjoy time with friends and family.

The price of the program is extremely affordable. There is a one-time coaching fee of $99, but it includes life-time support. Your protein foods run about $85 a week until you lose all your weight, and then there is no further commitment to purchase Ideal Protein products. While you are on the restricted diet, monthly vitamins must be purchased as well. It may sound expensive at first, but when you aren’t buying fast foods, junk foods, and sodas anymore, it is probably cheaper than your food budget now. Plus you are losing weight and getting healthy!

Whether you have 20 or 200 pounds to lose, we are here to help you every step of the way! I decided to become a coach myself after discovering how successful it is. I knew that if I could help one person feel the way I do, it would be worthwhile!

To kick off our new program, we are offering half off your consultation fee if you call by April 15th to schedule your first appointment. Or you can take advantage of our buddy and a friend come together and BOTH your consultation fees are waived!! (First appointment must be scheduled by April 15th)

Don’t put it off any longer; summer is just around the corner and we want you to be so happy with your success by then!

Thanks for hearing my story and we look forward to seeing you soon!

For any more questions or to schedule your consultation, please contact me at 615.330.2459 or [email protected]

Kristen Graves

Ideal Protein Weight Loss Coach

@southernlady Please feel free to move this if you think it better in another forum.
@k9ophile Leaving it here BUT did edit it some so the gullibles won't see it as a real option.
Last edited by a moderator:
@southernlady Thank you for the editing. I hesitated posting the full content lest it looked like I endorse this :poop:. Yet without the full content, it is hard to explain my infuriation.
Obesity is a disease. Not a character flaw. Telling people they should have to live on an un-natural food regime like this is tantamount to telling someone with a broken leg to learn to crawl. It does nothing to fix the problem. It serves only to punish the victim. The person who is already suffering from the disease.

You are setting these people up to fail because sooner or later they are going to have to go back to real food. The pounds will come back and bring their friends. And each time they have to repeat the cycle, it becomes more difficult to lose the weight. After spending thousands of dollars these people will be broke and still fat. This and frauds like it are part of the dream business, the diet industry. They make billions of dollars selling this nonsense and when it doesn't work, it's the patient's fault. What a great deal for you! What a nightmare for the buyer.

Your program does nothing to address the disease of obesity. It is just another diet with a very high price tag. It is wrong to profit from another person's misery.
Is this Hugh Houston's office???? I know from personal experience he is an idiot. OMG!
Yes, Hugh Houston.
Oh, he's the one I saw on the Nashville nightly news back around Christmas time. He was arrested for sexual assault (I think) for allegedly smacking a patient on the butt as she was walking out of his office. She was upset, he sent her text messages, on and on, digging himself in deeper. I recognized him immediately because I had read about and seen his picture on their website not long before while doing research. I haven't seen anything more about it nor have I tried to find out anything.
I saw that when it came on the news and was flabbergasted! I guess because I used him as a doctor. But he truly is an idiot...unprofessional, crass, arrogant, just...ugh. I am so not surprised he did something so stupid.
After reading the court records, I didn't have that much respect for him. Now that he has sent out that e-mail (or at least sanctioned it) and all of our names were on it, the smidgen I did have is gone. Names and a medical condition all in one e-mail. The flames form my nostrils and smoke from my ears have cleared, but I'm still appalled and infuriated. I guess I should consider myself lucky. My e-mail is my last name @ my ISP. There are first and last names at their employers e-mail.

Your avatar is perfect when his name comes up. LOL
Names and a medical condition all in one e-mail.

I was witness to more than one HIPPA violation.

About the case: IMHO, he was just stupid. I don't think he was sexually assaulting the woman on purpose, he was just stupid and she was bright enough to think "hey, I can get some money out of this". Because he is so unprofessional and was joking around with her I guess he thought he could slap her on the behind. Dumb. Did he get a sexual thrill out of it? NO. Was it totally inappropriate? Yes, and now he is paying for it. But, that's just my opinion.
I have a friend who was sleeved by him. We thought the same thing. If he got convicted, she could sue for civil damages. The slap on the butt was inappropriate. The texts and voice mail afterward? There are no words to describe the depth of his stupidity and arrogance.
I was witness to more than one HIPPA violation.

About the case: IMHO, he was just stupid. I don't think he was sexually assaulting the woman on purpose, he was just stupid and she was bright enough to think "hey, I can get some money out of this". Because he is so unprofessional and was joking around with her I guess he thought he could slap her on the behind. Dumb. Did he get a sexual thrill out of it? NO. Was it totally inappropriate? Yes, and now he is paying for it. But, that's just my opinion.
I think you're giving him a pretty strong benefit of the doubt as to him not getting a sexual thrill out of it. For all anyone knows he could have been testing the waters toward grooming her to be his sexual thrill. If he's as arrogant and self-centered as he has been characterized, he probably thought a woman couldn't possibly NOT want some attention from him and from there... who knows.

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