Another reason to "TAKE YOUR SUPPLIMENTS" a cautionary tale.

Marie Heaney

Mar 9, 2015
I posted a month ago about coming down with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. This is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. It’s also called Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy and Landry’s Ascending Paralysis. GBS is characterized by the rapid onset of numbness, weakness, and often paralysis of the legs, arms, breathing muscles, and face. Paralysis is ascending, meaning that it travels up the limbs from fingers and toes towards the torso. GBS came to public attention briefly when it struck a number of people who received the 1976 swine flu vaccine. Although not in the news as much today, it continues to claim thousands of new victims each year, approximately 1 in 200,000. Scientists are now making a connection to those who may be vulnerable to autoimmune diseases including GBS and having low vitamin D levels. I discovered recently after I joined this site that my then Vitamin D dose was sorely inadequate (10,000iu per day).....thank you BariatricFacts and Dianne Cox. I got the D/S 8 years ago and for the most part was consistently low on my Vit D levels every year, whether this has contributed to me contracted GBS is mostly speculation at this point. But.........I will offer this as a cautionary tale in hopes that it will motivate D/Ser to TAKE YOUR SUPPLIMENTS..........50,000iu of Vitamin D per day is suggested.
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I used to wonder if there was some kind of connection between bariatric surgery and auto-immune disorders. Being part of an online community full of thousands of very large folks, there were (of course) many who had at one point had WLS of some type. A number of them developed auto-immune diseases of some type in the years after. Obviously correlation does not equal causation... based on this, it seems most likely that the real culprit is nutritional deficiencies due to patient non-compliance OR ignorant surgeon advice, as Diana said above. I was Vitamin D deficient for quite some time before I found out I was a few years back, and that I needed to supplement... and I developed an auto-immune disorder. Go figure!
I'm starting to think surgeons giving poor, inadequate or just wrong supplement advice ought to be held to be medical malpractice.
Starting? Maybe it's just now seeped into your consciousness. I've had that impression that you believed that for years.
Well, I certainly thought it was bad, but I also thought they were "doing the best they knew" - now, I think they have had plenty of time to know better, but they don't give a rat's ass, or at least not enough to DO anything about it. Now, it is malicious indifference.
I want to add that I am totally responsible for my low vitamin D levels. I knew every year when I got my blood work that it was low but I did not think it was that important. I figured everybody living in Montana had low D levels and it was no big deal. I would make promises to myself to get out and walk more. My primary care doctor would recommend that I take prescription grade D2 in an oil base but I knew that that wasn't good and continued with 10,000 to 12,000iu per day. It wasn’t until I came down with GBS and joined this forum that I took it serious and upped my intake. Now I am almost obsessive about my vitamins and have also really improved my diet making sure I eat more fresh greens with my protein. Thanks again BariatricFacts........I owe my future good health to you.

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